meeting with NPEA STUDENT

Jun 6, 2009
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Irma, Alberta, Canada
I just had the rare privilege of contact with a former NPEA student still alive and living close to me. He is well into his eighties so not much info was gleaned but still a great experience. His school was run by the SS as seen in the pic of him. He also came to CANADA after the war and served in the CANADIAN ARMY which was not uncommon as we had several former members in my unit until the early seventies


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Now this is an example why Paul is one of the Best Moderators on our forum .
Great photos Paul . Rare to see any photos of NPEA members . I wonder if the wearing of the NPEA triangle was abolished sometime during the war and replaced by the Waffen SS armeagle as shown .

When I was in the Marines in the early 1980s ,one of the schools I went to was training for Mountain warfare ,we had a senior NCO who was in Army Special Forces. He told me that during the late 1950s when he was a Corporal , while volunteering for Special Forces , one of the requirements was that the soldiers had to have combat experience . One of the men during this interview , with a heavy German acent when asked the question about combat experence , answered it simpley " Herman Goering Division " !
Interesting Paul and great photos also.

Joe, would that school have been Mountain Warfare Training Center in Pickle Meadows California? I ask because I used to live there, my father was in charge of base maintenance in the late 70s before the base was reactivated for service. We lived in the Commanders home that was on the top of the hill above the SNCO club.
Haye paul that realy cool man and the pic i s awsome and joe now thats a cool store man thats the best way to answere a question like that bet it shut the instructor up lol

cheers steve :yo:
NPEA Student in Canada

no still trying to find that out but the years are doing a number.

He went to Loben and is in my book: Waffenleite presenting NPEA Daggers of the Third Reich. He was a great help and I used MANY of his original photographs (including the one wearing the dagger) in my book. I spoke with him and his daughter several times and have his document and many of his photos. He remembered things well when we corresponded several years ago. Ron
well if you don't believe me try talking to him now if you can get by his son, but we are really trying to sell books here aren't we

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