WHW Deutsches Jungvolk rune badge


Jun 5, 2009
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I just saw this on a dealer's site: "This was the third transitional badge before the HJ and DJ introduced the diamond shaped red & white enamel badge in 1933...."

I know this as a WHW donation badge but unfortunately I don't have any period sources to prove it. Does anyone have anything?

99% of the time the dealers and people on the auction platforms describe these badges as being DJ membership badges despite the fact that they are nothing of the sort so it would be nice I think to have a thread here on the forum as a reference.

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Hi Garry,

I think it will be difficult to answer that question, or call.

I also think that it is a WHW one, but you also know that there are not so many documented Tinnies and that is, in my opinion, the worst part of this type of collection. At least for me. I have, at least 20 questions similar to the one that you have said, but I know that nobody has the answer, or almost nobody.

Why is there so little information about this type of piece? Just because it wasn’t regulated? (Most of them don’t have the RZM, of course there are exception like the series of 3 from Westfalen). Should there be only the formal request to the vendor to make it and the invoice from him as only documents ever written for a particular tinnie?

Let’s face it, one of the few Tinnies with something of information is the Potsdam 1932. Maybe 3 or 4 more, but that was it.

Sorry to be a bit negative, and I would be so interested in knowing more about this Tinnie (and any other)


Ah, I found a .txt document from a couple of years ago on my hard drive where I made a note about this badge being a Jugendherberge (youth hostel) fund-raising tinnie. Does anyone have the Tieste books? Apparently the badge is shown there and is described as having been sold on the 16th/17th of May 1936.

You're not being negative Antonio, you're searching for the truth and that's a positive (although often frustrating) pursuit. For ages you find nothing and then all of a sudden you hit pure gold. Those moments are worth the wait :001_smile:
The badge is listed on Tieste's WHW sales pages, in the group "51 DJH Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk" as "003.1 Metallabzeichen, Rune" (price 11 Euro).

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A while back i saw one of these badges worn on a period HJ photo unfortunately i didn't save it
The actual purpose of this badge has already been cleared up in the thread but I thought I'd add this snippet from a newspaper dated 9.5.1936. As mentioned earlier it was indeed a fundraiser tinnie sold on the 15th/16th of May 1936 in support of the youth hostel programme.

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Here is a copy of a photo I found on the forum of the badge being worn.

Best regards ...Ewan

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Does anyone have the Tieste books? Apparently the badge is shown there and is described as having been sold on the 16th/17th of May 1936.

I have the books and would be happy to look although it seems the point is moot at this stage. Great informative thread which demonstrates how members here pull together and share their collective knowledge .....
here is a pic on mine
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