Colourised photos


Jun 5, 2009
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HJ Kameradschaftsführer (in the appointment of Gefolgschaftsführer). Bann standard bearer for Bann 560
HJ Rottenführer (Verwalter) in the appointment of Kameradschaftsführer

Does anyone else play around with Photoshop adding colour to old photos? If I find a particularly clear one I can't resist having a go. Here are two which I think came out quite well:

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Those look absolutely amazing, Garry. Great work. I'm afraid I could never get Photoshop to behave like that for me.
Great job Garry! I've never used photoshop before. How about some lessons on how you did these?


Thanks guys. When I first started I made the mistake of using Photoshop as if I were just painting. Essentially that's what you're doing of course but you have to use layers to get something approaching realistic. On the standard bearer for example the jacket would be one layer, the face another. Doing things that way means that you can adjust the colour depth for each part of the photo. If you don't use layers then you only have one adjustment for the whole picture and that won't usually give a good result. Most of it comes down to having a really clear photo to start with though.
im like the others here have photoshop but am at a bbit of a loss with it, apparently you can buy magazines that help you out maybe its time i ourchased one or two or probably more the amount of help ill need:tongue_smilie:
Beautifull job on the photos Garry i like it.You are the master of photoshop:thumbup:
I'm definitely not that but thanks anyway P :) Glad you like them.
DJ Oberhordenführer, Jungbann 173

Just finished this one. Came out okay I think. The scenery wasn't that nice on the original photo so I replaced it with the forest.

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Looks great Garry. Doesn't he look like a real mannequin?

Just one "silly" remark: the plaster on his knee, shouldn't it have a more
fleshlike color (beige). I thought this was also the color in about the mid-thirties.
Or am I wrong and was Germany one of the countries, using another color?
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I've taken the plaster to be zinc tape to be honest Wim so I just left it white. Did they have zinc tape back then? :)
found this:

the label name for a medical tape (colloquial: Leuko) - role plasters from Zellwollgewebe with india rubber as adhesive. Leukoplast becomes since1921 of the Beiersdorf Co. & cost. A. - G. Hamburg drove out.
Initially it was offered to role commodity in the Darreichungsformen for 1m in the widths 1, 2, 3 and 5 cm (kind No. 516, 517, 518 and 520). Around 1964 the individual widths were then pulled together and the kind. - NR.with four digits (1 1/4cm with the No. 1561, 2 1/2 cm with the No. 1562) The width 3 cm gave it only to 1964 and the width to 5 cm probably only to 01/1940.
As the second Darreichungsform it (like today still) gave the coil commodity5m length in 3 widths (1 1/14 cm, 2 1/2 cm and 5 cm.
As packing material tin cans, sticking folding boxes and plastic coils were used.
On the original photo the tape is very bright so I doubt whether it's a flesh-coloured plaster Wim. I think that some kind of white tape is probably right.

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Here's another. HJ Rundfunkspielschar

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Flieger-HJ Obergefolgschaftsführer from Bann 506

I colourised this one a couple of years ago but was never really happy with the original result so I worked on the face and a couple of other areas today. The face still isn't right.

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Edit: see post #40 for an updated version of this one.


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