
  1. P

    Poster for the Flieger HJ

    "Der deutsche Luftsport ruft dich". I have this poster for the Flieger-Hitler-Jugend. I am sure that I have seen it before somewhere, but my usual reference books and the internet yields no clues. I am sure it is somewhere obvious, can someone put me out of my misery and tell me where please...
  2. cemifor

    Group of Flieger-HJ

    . A group of Flieger-HJ at a holiday training cource on the Lainecker Flugplatz (Laineck Airfield) 1942. Laineck is a district in the northeast of the city of Bayreuth. Foto from LuftSport Gemeinschaft Bayreuth The airfield was opened in 1925 and closed after world war II. Laineck (German...
  3. cemifor

    My HJ books

    Here's a list of my HJ related books and CD/DVD ../henrik Author, Title, Published German, Pre 1945 Günter Elsner und Karl-Gustav Lerche, Vom Pimpf zum Flieger, 1941 (Gustav Bengsch und Wilhelm Hans, Modellflug im NS-Fliegerkorps, -) -, H.J. im Dienst, - Dr.-Ing. erwin Brause, Die Jüngsten...