Deutsche Reichsjugend Alpenland shirt


Jun 6, 2009
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Deutsche-Reichs-Jugend shirt for a leader of the Alpenland area Scroll to the buttom of the page: Ulric of England .

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This is a post-war youth movement. Banned for having aims too similar to those of the HJ.

This Wiki article The Deutsche Reichsjugend was a splinter organisation of the Reichsjugend (formed 1950) under Herbert Münchow. This is supported by this period reference (page 5) which states that the Deutsche Reichsjugend was first known in the late summer of 1950. The reference further states that their shirts were green (later black) and not beige as shown on the pics in post 1.
I have been collecting German pre 1933 youth organisations for more than 25 years now and have never seen, read or heard anything of the D.R.J. before. I think Garry might be right that this is post 1945. It might also be from Austria. :001_unsure:
Good catch guys. No mention of this being a post war item in the descriptor, and listed on a page with wartime uniforms. The descriptor would lead one to believe this is a pre HJ item. Probably still a scarce item in it's own right, but very misleading on the site.
This shirt has moved from the link in post #1 to THIS one and is still for sale. Ulric of England thinks that the DRJ was "one of the many extreme right wing youth movements, later absorbed into the Hitler Youth". I absolutely disagree and think that he will need to show that his Deutsche Reichs-Jugend is not THIS Deutsche Reichs-Jugend. However, the RJF noted all of the youth movements that had been absorbed/banned by the HJ and there is no "Deutsche Reichs-Jugend" listed so there is no point in in him even contesting the evidence.
If Ulric would have seen the Verordnungsblatt der RJF from November 17, 1933 he would not have
talked hot air about the DRJ.

PS: Die Reichsjugend wurde im Januar 1950 von Herbert Münchow und Walter Matthaei in Flensburg gegründet. Münchow wurde bereits im Herbst 1950 wegen zu großer Nähe zur Hitler-Jugend aus der Organisation ausgeschlossen und gründete daraufhin die Deutsche Reichsjugend. Ein Antrag auf Aufnahme in den Deutschen Bundesjugendring wurde im Herbst 1951 nicht behandelt. Ebenfalls im Herbst 1951 trennte sich die Reichsjugend nach parteiinternen Auseinandersetzungen ihres Führers Matthaei von der Sozialistischen Reichspartei.Am 23. Oktober 1952 wurde die Reichsjugend trotz der zuvor erfolgten Trennung von der Partei als Teilorganisation der Sozialistischen Reichspartei durch das Bundesverfassungsgericht verboten. Nach dem Verbot schlossen sich die Restgruppen der Reichsjugend um Matthaei am 2. Dezember 1952 mit dem Vaterländischen Jugendbund zur 1994 ebenfalls verbotenen Wiking-Jugend zusammen.
The dealer was asked about on another forum. Is he reliable, etc etc. I pointed this item out and several others as not being what he represents them as. Par for the course there were supporters who seemed to ignore the bad items. Caveat emptor.
I found a reference to the Reichsjugend in a book today and thought I would add it here in case some scruffy dealer tries to justify this shirt in a different way. For a short period in 1936 the idea was mooted by the by now fairly redundant SA and also by the Reichswehr that those kids not already members of the HJ and DJ should be grouped into a second youth organisation to be called "Reichsjugend". The purpose of this organisation which was intended to run in parallel with the HJ/DJ was to be purely paramilitary training (Wehrsport). Although never realised, the idea gained some traction for a while but Schirach stopped it in its tracks with the first youth law of 1936 giving him sole authority over Germany's youth. So, the shirt still very definitely has nothing to do with any pre-HJ youth organisation and can only be for the banned 1950s youth organisation mentioned in post #2 above.