Reichsjugendherberge entrance group photo

Oct 17, 2022
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Love coming across something from a book which helps explain a photo I own. The large wooden door is from the Reichsjugendherberge on the mount of Nuremberg. This was a large hostel and very elegantly decorated. Even Von Schirach had a personal room here.
Enjoy the photos

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Hi Strumble69,
it was supposed to be the "Kaiserstallung" Jugendherberge in Nuremberg.
"The building was converted into the "Reichsjugendherberge" in 1937, destroyed in World War II and rebuilt in 1953."

Source and link: Nürnberger Burg – Wikipedia

Interesting topic, thank you for the information you posted above. (Unfortunately I don't know the book with the photos..?) :(
The source for your photos would be interesting?

P.S. The entrance portal is still there today, of course without the HJ emblem. The whole castle is definitely worth seeing, unfortunately I was only allowed to visit it once, when I was a child, in the 1960s.

Here is another link in German: Jugendherbergen – Historisches Lexikon Bayerns
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A PDF file entitled: "Yesterday's Opponents"? Youth Movement and Hitler Youth"

Link to the PDF:
* (If any of you would like to have something translated into English, I would be happy to do so.)

"Willkürlich inszeniert, nicht „gefunden“, war für die Hitlerjugend in Nürnberg die sogenannte
„Burg der Jugend“. Als „Jugendburg Kaiserstallung“ wurde der mächtige, das Stadtbild
Nürnberg als Teil der Burganlage prägende Bau 1938 zu einer „Reichsjugendherberge“ umgebaut..."

Knight's castles have always been places of longing for romantically inclined people. As a young schoolboy, I was allowed to live and learn in a knight's castle for several years, and those were very formative years, even without a romantic transfiguration.
Burg Nordeck: Burg Nordeck – Wikipedia

P.S. Of course, even in the 1970s, such an education was still elitist for us "difficult" young people, accommodation in such a private school was very expensive.
Despite all the torments, it were good and formative school years, similar to an upbringing in an NPEA, even if the comparison may not be entirely correct.
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Die "Reichsjugendherberge"​

"Die Geschichte des Wiederaufbaus offenbart die Kontinuität der Architektenkarrieren zwischen NS- und Nachkriegszeit: Ihr Planer Julius Lincke hatte nämlich schon 1936/1937 die Kaiserstallung zur "Reichsjugendherberge" umgestaltet. Diese Neufassung stand ganz im Zeichen eines ideologisch instrumentalisierten, ja pervertierten Mittelalterbildes, das die Nazis der "Stadt der Reichsparteitage" überstülpen wollten. In ihren Grundzügen folgte der Wiederaufbau denn auch den Entwürfen der 1930er Jahre – freilich ohne die "hagelbucherne" Zirbelstube für Reichsjugendführer Baldur von Schirach."

Source: Nürnbergs Kaiserburg: Mittelalterlich nur noch dem Anschein nach

Unfortunately, I can't translate the German term "hagelbucherne" (bavarian), but it probably has something to do with the wood of the hornbeam, in german the "Hainbuche", like "made from the wood of the Hainbuche...", or something like this...

Excuse me for this long stretch, but in the context of that time, the values of blood and soil were very important to the National Socialists, beeches and oaks played a special role, but I don't want to digress any further here...
* By the way, I almost never use the term "Nazi", I prefer the German designation "Nationalsozialist".

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You are welcome Strumble69,
I recommend that you read the PDF file I have linked above, which contains more information about the former "Reichsjugendherberge"...

Unfortunately, I can't tell from your post, in which book the above pictures were published?
Maybe you could add this information later, thank you in advance...

The special room for von Schirach and its purpose is mentioned there, and there is other evidence on the subject that should not play any further role here.
The four hundred years old wall coverings are history, more can only be found in the archives of the city of Nuremberg, maybe?

I have friends, who still live in 300-year-old farmhouses today, it's a special way of life, preserving old values, and all of that has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of National Socialism, people live in a story and they felt and feel very comfortable there.
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Hi Strumble69,
thank you for your renewed reference, now the penny has dropped for me too. ;)

Unfortunately, I wasn't familiar with the book series by Philip Baker, but you never stop learning...

Link to ZVAB: Youth led by von Baker - ZVAB
(The asking prices there are surprisingly high, probably a small edition that is already sold out?)

Thanks again, and a good weekend from Germany! (y)
