
Jun 6, 2009
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VDA Schulgemeinschaft [Schoolgroup], 1934, at the railwaystation of Eichkamp in the Berlin district Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. Note the pennant.

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Peter Longerich: Heinrich Himmler - A Life:
VDA – Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland – National League for Germans Abroad
Since 1933 the Nazi regime had made considerable efforts to take over so-called ethnic work; that is to say, to look after the affairs of and acquire influence over the roughly 10 million members of German minitorities in the rest of Europe. At the time og the Nazis’ takeover of power there were a number of organisations, the majority of which wereconservative and nationalist in outlook, that were actively involved in developing relations with the ethnic German minorities, including in particular: the Verein – sicnce 1933, Volksbund – für das Deutschtum im Ausland [Association – since 1933, The National League – for Germans Abroad]; the Deutsche Schutzbund [German Protection league]; the Deutsche Ostmarkenverein [German Association for the Eastern Marches]; the Bund Deutscher Osten [League of German East]; and the Deutsche Auslands-Institut [German Foreign Institute] in Stuttgart.

Hitler Youth: Principles and Ideology:
Schirach promoted a close relation between the Hitler Youth and the VDA. Schirach signed an agreement with VDA Leaders in 1933: “With a complete respect for the important racial-political task the Hitler Youth recommends to its members membership in collaboration with the VDA." The agreement also stipukated. “The school groups of the VDA (racial-German work cells) assist the Hitler Youth in their work."


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