Temporary ausweis and intresting document

Jun 6, 2009
Thanks Received
just outside london
the Ausweis was issued to Fritz Diehl who joined the Hj in1933and was a member of the musicians unit SZ/2 in jungbann 88

this should have been handed back when the new Ausweis arrived but the stamps indicate it was used through to 1939,

Enclosed in the Ausweis was the attached letter Thanks garry for the translation:thumb:

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From the jungbannfuhrer of jungbann Wetzlar,

Hauptfahnleinfuhrer Klingelhofer.

Subject...Trip to belgium

According to communication from Obergefolgschaftsfuhrer Kuhn the assistant head of of the department of travel and camps in area 13,

he was unable to procure a second bus for the belgium trip as they are needed due to increased activity on the western front, as a result some participants will not be able to travel,

I can only send one Bann member and that will be department head Oberschaftfuhrer Helmut Kessler,

Im sorry to have to inform you of the decision but despite several telephone calls i was unable to reach an alternative agreement
I can tell you though that the current tensions in belgium may mean the trip will not plake place anyway,
i have enclosed your passport