Veranstaltungsring der Hitler-Jugend

Jun 7, 2009
Thanks Received
Helmond, Netherlands. My hometown is located near
For many years me and Jeff are looking for information about the
"Veranstaltungsring der Hitler-Jugend". The participants-permit
shows this great symbol.

Who knows or has some information about this "ring" (group).

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Thanks Garry,

I had not seen this thread. Must surely buy myself new glasses. I am getting old!

I have only a copy from such a document, which has the number 32 for the group a
nd then followed by 6376. The name for the recipient is Klaus Marneke from Hannover
(Niedersachsen) from Fähnlein 23/74
:yo: Yep, I finally had to admit this year that I needed glasses :blink:
I had a few of these IDs over the past years, but could also not find any more info on it.. As for glasses, i just bought new ones :closedeyes: Brille-Fielmann !
One of the IDs i had, had a different logo, there was a DAF cogwheel on the front cover too. I think i gave them all to a US dealer a few years ago, i will look if he still has them, as i dont have photos any more.
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Hi Wim, Your Ausweis shows the symbol which is also shown in Richtlinien für die Einrichtung und den Aufbau des Veranstaltungsringes der Hitler-Jugend 1.9.1938 (right). It doesn't
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say whether the symbol was introduced with this regulation. It shows the suggested Ausweis (see bottom left) but as you can see, that one doesn't have any symbol at all which might explain why there are different designs around like this one.

In a section of the regulation it is stated that the Gebiete were to pass their requirements for Ausweise up to the RJF Kulturamt who would then procure them. This would mean that the Kulturamt would have decided on the final design so it's
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unclear why the Ausweis shown at the link has a different front cover design. It's likely I think that the Ausweis design was finalised at some point after the introduction of the Veranstaltungsring.

The regulation mentions that the introduction of the 'Veranstaltungsring der Hitler-Jugend' on this date was a consolidation and centralisation of the work previously carried out by some of the HJ Gebiete who had started cultural programmes for the youth prior to this so there may well be Ausweise dating to before 1938.

The design with a DAF cogwheel makes sense Jo as the Veranstaltungsring der HJ was a joint effort with 'Kraft Durch Freude'. This agreement was formalised in March 1938.

The regulation states that it was permissible for the Gebiete to print additional Ausweise for specific parts of the Veranstaltungsring (Theaterring, Konzertring, Filmring) so we should see some of those around today too but I haven't personally come across any.

The RJF Kulturamt also produced promotional posters for the Veranstaltungsring (top left)


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Yes, the Theater one i had as well, but cant remember what the logo was, it was too long ago.. i remember that it was for a girl though. If you look in Patzwalls DIE HITLERJUGEND book (1988) the veranstaltungsring ID i had was a mixture of the two HJ IDs on page 26 and page 28. Also white, and with a photo.