supposed HJ/DJ Fanfare trumpet - Opinions?

May 18, 2013
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hi what is your opinion on this trumpet,i think its fantasy piece though im no expert,though every other HJ/DJ trumpet i have seen have been RZM marked or makermarked,this one just has an eagle welded on the bell of the trumpet,so any opinions much appretiated,sorry only pictures i have!

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Hi there,

The eagle isn't the RJF version but even if it were, it would not have been permitted on a fanfare trumpet with a silver bell (Silberkranz) like this one. This is mentioned in the 1941 regulation quoted here. The 1934 regulations also do not show that the Fanfare had this Silberkranz so to be on the safe side, it would be better to look for a Fanfare that has the bell completely in brass. Fanfare trumpets with an RJF eagle on the bell seem to be extremely rare and actually I don't recall having ever seen one but they must have existed because the regulations on musical competitions within the Hitler Youth (1941) explicitly state that a musical formation could be disqualified if it was found to be using non-regulation instruments. Anyway, I agree with you that the one you show is a bad one.