Dr. Henry Picker - Bannführer, HJ-Oberrichter


Jun 6, 2009
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Dr. Henry Picker

Picker was born on 6 December1912 in Wilhelmshaven. Member of NSDAP since 1 April1939, member number 322 834.
At that time he was student and single.

Picker studied law at the University of Kiel. In 1936 PhD on the meaning of punishment in the Third Reich.

Since 1935 Picker was in the office of HJ-Gerichtbarkeit in RJF. Speaker for HJ-Rechtsschulung. In 1937 Hj-Oberrichter as Bannführer.

Picker was dishonourably dismissed by RJF after disagreements with von Schirach. Picker then became a civil servant in Oldenburg and as head of an office of the NSDAP.

March 1942 to September 1942 senior executive and legal staff member in the Führer's headquarter, and secretary of Hilter's table discussions.

Picker the became District Administrator in East Frisia, from May 1943 he was in the Wehrmacht.

Hitlers Tischgespreche - Table Talks

After the war, Picker co-transcribed and first published transcripts of Adolf Hitler's informal talks, known colloquially as the Table Talks.

Picker's version of the Table Talks was published in 1951 under the title Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier, and relied upon the original German notes he acquired from Heinrich Heim taken from July 1941 to March 1942, and Picker's own notes taken from March 21, 1942 through August 2, 1942.

The first edition of Picker's Table Talks was arranged thematically, unlike the French and English editions which were arrangedchronologically. A later edition of Picker's work was published in 1963, which was more extensive, carefully annotated, chronologically organized, and published with an introduction by German historian Percy Ernst Schramm. Both the second (1963) and third (1976) editions contain several testimonials by fellow bunker officers relating to the books's accuracy and authenticity, including General Gerhard Engel. Picker was involved in several legal battles with François Genoud and Hugh Trevor-Roper concerning the copyrights to the work.

Henry Pickert died 2 May 1988 at Starnberg

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First photo: Picker is second from right, June 1942
Second photo: Picker, 1968

Further reading (German):
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Michael Buddrus: Totale Erziehung für den totalen Krieg (Publ. 2003)

Henry Picker - Wikipedia

Hitler's Table Talk - Wikipedia

Axis History

Startseite - Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz

Ostfriesische Landschaft

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Last edited:
Dr. Henry Picker - personal document folder

Persönliche Dokumentenmappe vom HJ-Führer / Juristen und bekannten Protokollführer von Adolf Hitlers Tischgesprächen: Ordnermappe mit 200-300 Schriftstücken von Dr. Henry Picker: Vorwiegend HJ-Bann Nord, BDM und Sozialamt der Hitlerjugend und vor allem Typoskripte und handschriftliche Notizen. Texte zu HJ- und BDM-Heimen, HJ- und Landvolk-Schulung. Beiliegend auch 9 Hefte der Zeitschrift Wille und Macht/ Das junge Deutschlland mit zahlreichen Ausschneidungen von Beiträgen. (380 euro + shipping)


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German wikipedia has more information on Picker https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Picker

Since 1941 he was married to the sports teacher Irene born Atzinger. With her he had three sons and a daughter.

From 1943 he was a Wehrmacht soldier. As an ensign of the reserve, he came in British captivity, from which he was released 1947. After the war, he represented the disaster area Wilhelmshaven from 1948 to 1951. After that he worked as a writer.
I have collected the german texts/sources in a single pdf-file

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