BDM Bomber Pin

Feb 4, 2013
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a BDM woman from my homevillage, wearing a little Bomber Pin with motto inscription "Das Deutsche Volk muss ein Volk von Fliegern werden, Hermann Göring". The picture was made 28.10.1936. What is the meaning of this little pin, according to HJ/BDM? Can`t explain.:001_unsure:


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translation "the german people will be a nation of flyers" if my german is up to scratch?..,i think it may be a gliders pin,could be an event badge/day badge,or she may have even taken part herself,maybe not BDM specifically most likely for HJ overall.but thats my 2 cents,.hope you get some more information on this.

aircraft badge

My opinion:this hollow backed, metall badge in a silver finish could be an award for HJ members, helping to prepare air-raid protections in Kassel. This town was in the focus of the allied military command because of its important tank, aircraft, wagon and V1 production. Regards: NW

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My opinion:this hollow backed, metall badge in a silver finish could be an award for HJ members, helping to prepare air-raid protections in Kassel. This town was in the focus of the allied military command because of its important tank, aircraft, wagon and V1 production. Regards: NW

The badge is NOT related to HJ or BDM or air-raid protections in Kassel.

It's a WHW - Winter Hilfs Werk (Winter charity fund) badge, sold at a Reichsstrassensammlung (National streets collection) from 1 to 8 June 1934, during an aviation promotional week, carried out by the Deutsche Luftsportverband - DLV (German Air Sports Association). Tieste catalogue number DLV 00-34.