Uniforms regulations for the "Danish BDM" - (NSU piger)


Feb 12, 2011
Thanks Received
I found these 8 pages (fotocopy) in a pile of old papers I have forgotten. I got the copyes for about 35 years ago from an fellow collector. The pages describes the way to behave and dress and the ranking system for the Danish "National Socialisk Ungdom - piger" = NSU (National Socialistisk Youth - girls) . I.m.o. it must be copyes of the original typewritten regulations from 1942. I have tried to make the copyes readable, the letters are very weak.

I hope that someone can translate it to English - maybe a job for you Henrik ?? If the scans not is good enough, I can send a mail with att. files.

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Michael :denmark


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Hi Henrik

I (we) will be patient, its quite a job. If you need better copies, please tell me, and I will send them to you by mail.

That's a great find Michael. Looking forward to reading the translation Henrik :thumb:
Well, here we go ...

I haven't translated all of the unit and rank designations. Instead, here is the organizational structure of NSU.

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DNSAP - Dansk Nationalsocialistisk Arbejder Parti - Danish Nationalsocialist Workers Party

NSU - Nationalsocialistisk Ungdom - Nationalsocialist Youth.

Organization 1941-1945

DNSAP's party leader
National Youth Leader


Banner (Concists of 2 Stammer)
Stamme ( Concists of 2 Storhirde)
Storhird ( Concists of 2 Hirde)
Hird (Concists of 2 Følger)
Følge (Concists of 8-10 boys)
NSU (Boys)
Væbnere (Trial members) - Skjoldunger (Boys age 10-14) - Hirdmænd (Boys age 14-18)

Samling (Concists of 2 Skarer)
Skare (Concists of 2 Storflokke)
Storflok (Concists of 2 Flokke)
Flok (Concists of 2 Følger)
Følge (Concists of 8-10 piger)
NSUP (Girls)
Væbnerske (Trial members) - Ungpiger (Young girls age 10-14 år ) - Piger (Girls 14-18 år)


Translation Danish - English - German:
Fører - Leader - Führer

Førerske - Female leader - Führerin


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Translation of the NSUP uniform regulations:

Page 1:
Uniform Regulations
Nationalsocialist Youth

Page 2:
The present Regulation shall enter into force immediately,
and also removes all previously applicable
provisions for uniforms
The Executive Committee of NSU
Copenhagen, March 1, 1942

Page 3:
A. General regulations.

1. No NSU girl may wear uniform, before she has learned how to behave when she is wearing it.

2. The person wearing the uniform of NSU represents outwardly NSU and thereby DNSAP and must in her conduct create respect for the organization. Any error she commits, falls back to the whole.

3.The uniform must be complete and clean. Footwear, straps and fittings must be highly polished. The wearer of the uniform must be well-groomed with his person, that is newly washed with clean nails, properly combed and more.

4. The uniform must be accoring to regulations. No emblems or decorations, that are not prescribed, must be worn without special permission. Leader and unit shall, when the unit is under command, be alike. (Either all wearing caps, or no one, etc.).

5. Smoking at meetings and public places in uniforms is prohibited.

6. Those in the regulations given greeting rules must be strictly observed.

7. Violation of the given rules may result in prohibition to wear the uniform for shorter or longer time.

Page 4:
B. Uniform
The uniform consists of
side cap,
collar patch,
sleeve shield,
stockings and
footwear and optionally
uniform jacket

Side cap is black and has the the shape of the army field cap. In front, in the top fitted with a white tassel and below a round silver rosette.
Underfølge leaders and Følge leaders has a red cord along the upturned edge of the cap.
Leaders from Underflok leaders and up has a silver cord along the upturned edge of the cap.

Black blouse with two breast pockets with flap and vertical pleats.
Shoulder straps, collar patch and arm shield. All buttons in the blouse are black.

White blouse with two breast pockets with flap and vertical pleats.
Shoulder straps, collar patch and arm shield. All buttons in the blouse are white.

Collar patch is deep red and rectangular 2 x 5 cm. Ungpiger wears along the edge of the patch a deep red woolen cord.
Leaders from Storflok leaders and up wears black patches. Patches are worn only by girls who have passed the entrance examination.

Armshiel is deep red with white edge and white sunwheel.
The armshield is worn on the left upper arm with the upper edge 11 cm from the shoulder seem.

Scarf is black withe sunwheel in the neck.

Skirt is black with pleats in front and back, two exterior pockets with flap. The pockets buttoned with small black buttons.
In connection with the uniform jacket no pockets are worn on the skirt.
For outdoor exercises and in winter, skitrousers can be used.

Page 5:
Stockings are grey, ankle socks, sports stockings or long stockings.

Footwear is black low-heeled shoes or boots.

Uniform jacket is black with reverse, four pockets with flap and vertical pleats, and provided with shoulder straps, armshield and half-belt in the back.
The coat buttoned with large black lion buttons, shoulder straps and pockets, however, with small black lion buttons.
The jacket is always worn with white blouse, without collar patches and armskjold and with black tie.
Uniform jacket must only be worn by leaders over 18 years.


The black blouse is used as ordinary service outfit at NSU meetings, camps and exercises.

The white blouse is worn at party meetings, special occasions etc.

If a unit appears assembled under command, white blouse is only worn on the orders of the leader of the unit.

Page 6:
C. Insignia.

Insignia all of which - except for the national youth leader - is of white metal, is:

Underfølge leader:
One bar and red wool cord along the edge of the patch

Følge leader:
Two bars and red wool cord along the edge of the patch

Underflok leader:
One threepointed star and silver cord along the edge of the patch

Flok leader:
Two threepointed stars and silver cord along the edge of the patch

Storflok leader:
One oak leaf on black patch and silver cord along the edge of the patch

Underskare leader:
One oak leaf on black patch and one silver string and silver cord along the edge of the patch

Skare leader:
One oak leaf on black patch and two silver strings and silver cord along the edge of the patch

Samlings leader:
Two oak leafs on black patch and one vertical silver strings and silver cord along the edge of the patch

Storsamlings leader:
Two oak leafs on black patch and two silver strings and silver cord along the edge of the patch

National youth leader:
Three gold oak leafs, one vertical gold string and gold cord along the edge of the patch

The insignia are affixed on the patches as shown in the drawings.

Page 7:
Drawings of insignia

Page 8:
Drawings of uniforms

VERY nice job Henrik - thanks a lot for the translation :clap2: - now everybody on this forum can read it. I am happy to be able to give something to this forum, as I have got a lot informations myself here.

Michael :denmark
Correction from April 1943:

N.S.U. National decree No. 5-43 concerning Uniforms for NSUP leaders.

Uniform Jacket for female leaders may be worn by leaders from Flok leader and up, regardless of age.
