Hj summer cap, different material with carmine piping

Jun 6, 2009
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Seeing this brown overseas cap with a piping who would suggest a RJF or NPEA affiliation.
I have never even heard of that model. What are your impressions on it?


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I never saw anything similar. Price is quite high... I do not know. I would like to see more photos of it
For the dealer: I see nothing in the regulations that would support a cap made from this material with Karmesinrot cord. On their introduction in 1937, it was stated in the regulation that Karmesinrot caps could only be ordered directly through the RZM and that they were not available in normal shops. Would someone working on the Gebiet staff let alone the RJF staff have got away with such a wildly different material when compared to the standard summer cap? Bearing in mind that these caps were only available directly from the RZM, I think that we can discount private tailoring as the reason for this cap's appearance i.e. someone preferred to have his cap in the same material as his tunic. The material is very worrying.

Cloth diamond replaced the metal diamond in Jan 1940, the cap has no cloth eagle (see here for more on both of those things) and from Sept/Oct 1941, the dress regulations for those qualified to wear the Führerdienstanzug no longer even included the summer cap. Once that information has been digested it becomes clear that a cap in this configuration/material is going to be very hard to explain/sell.

As far as the seller's angle on AHS/NPEA is concerned, there is no indication in the regulations that anything other than standard summer caps with the standard cord colours were permitted. The regulations clearly state that Karmesin cord denoted that the wearer was a member of the Gebiet/RJF staff. Why would this give AHS/NPEA leaders/teachers the general authorisation to wear it on their caps?

The dealer needs to show an order or regulation in black and white that the AHS/NPEA angle is more than just a guess at explaining an otherwise unexplainable cap.
You have perfectly identified the thing. The sellers sometimes have a little too much imagination!