How many makers of the Deutsches Jungvolk membership badge were there?

My guess that it MAYBE is Osang you can see in the attached picture. I think it has the same shape, but I can not see what is inside the triangle on the DJ Abz.

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The attached picture is marked on a belt buckle from the army. The letters means Gustav Hermann Osang.

Michael :denmark


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I noticed this Gustav Brehmer with the maker “GB” logo is not on the full mm list…
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Post RZM , 28

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Hi guys, I've just joined having recently started collecting. I seem to be attracted to the DJ/ HJ stuff for some unknown reasons!

I've attached pictures of my DJ membership badge, I'm presuming from my research it's an early one, due to the V. What are people's thoughts on the condition?

Many thanks, and hi all,

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Steinhauer & Lück


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Hi Ben and welcome to the forum (and to the hobby) :thumb:

Very nice 1st pattern Jungvolk membership badge you have there. Congrats.

I'll add a link to your badge on the Jungvolk membership badge maker list here.