Introduction of Streifendienst shoulder straps


Jun 5, 2009
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I was never sure about exactly when the SRD straps were introduced but I came across some info about it. An instruction published on the 15th of December 1942 states that the new SRD straps would be available "shortly". Each Bann was to receive 200 pairs each directly from the RZM in accordance with a distribution plan from the RJF Organisationsamt. The instruction also implies that some SRD units had been using different straps or indeed making their own and that this was to stop immediately.

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Great information. I've not seen locally or homemade versions of the SRD straps before, if anyone has an example or photo I'd love to see it shown.
Some date was mentioned in my handbook.
The first note about them appeared in the "Mitteilungsblatt der RZM"
from June 20, 1942, page 39 where it is said:
Schulterklappen für den HJ-Streifendienst mit weisser Paspelierung
werden nur an Dienststellen direkt ausgegeben.
Sure, but my reference shows that it would be much later before that plan was put into effect. I would think that this was the reason for some boys making their own. They were told that the new straps were coming or had at least been authorised and began making their own when the official item took too long. I see a lot of this in the various orders where kids were told to stop wearing this or that and to wait for the official item to come through the supply chain.
There was very often a delay between the mentioning to an introduction-date
or when the material was available. This was a problem during the war.
Materials were not sufficient available, or concerns were overloaded with tasks!

Ordering a lot of articles were no longer done by the RZM,
but manufacturers could deliver directly to shops since late 1943.
The list was quite extensive.
But that was not just meant for the HJ, but for the SA, NSKK
and such as well.

Very true and as you may know the situation was getting pretty desperate towards the end with many kids having only a regulation shirt or Jacket or even no uniform at all and having to march together at the back of the squad. I read an order from Gebiet Hochland the other day and their solution for those who didn't have a uniform was to wear the old Kampfzeit uniform of white shirt, Lederhosen etc.