List of HJ Gefolgschaft, DJ Fähnlein, BDM Mädelgruppe and Jungmädelgruppe flags and pennants known to exist

Nice one B. Added (y)

Gefolgschaft 1/421 was located in Hamburg-Uhlenhorst.


Mädelgruppe 22/252

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hello Garry
some others for the list
DJ 924 OST-generalgouvernement /Krakau-Stadt
This one is impressive, I didn't think I'd see one, one day!!

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HJ Gefolgschaft 26/30 West/Westmark Koln (this one change of name and location several times)

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JM 4/238 West Ruhr-Niedersachsen Cleve

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Many thanks for the additions B. We had the JM pennant but the other two are nice finds. Added.

HJ Gefolgschaft 26/30 West/Westmark Koln (this one change of name and location several times)

I have a location for Gefolgschaft 26/30 in my lists but this is from the Dec 1940 reorganisation after Gebiet Saarpfalz was redesignated as Westmark. At this time Gefolgschaft 26 was located in the area of Ensdorf. If you have any more locations for the Gefolgschaft from before or after that date they would be very useful. Also, I don't have a single female unit for Untergau/JM-Untergau 30. If you come across any of those that would be great too :thumb:
I found the information in WIM s book (handbook of the HJ ), I have no other sources ,
A recent acquisition to add to the list, the Mädelgruppe 7 pennant of Untergau 930 from Petrikau, Generalgouvernement.

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Here's one for the list currently on a dealer's site and attributed to Remagen.

JM-Gruppe 17/355

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2 from Bann 21 /Sud-Baden from Gebweiler /Gubwieler im Elsass

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2/26 Magdeburg

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JM 8/75 Bremen

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DJ 28/106 Leibzig and Auerbach in Mitte SACHSEN

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Very nice B. Added :thumb:

JM-Gruppe 8/75 was around the area of Bremen-Ostertor/Kampfbahn.
Fähnlein 28/106 was located in Treuen (Vogtlandkreis).
a rarely encountered object, an unfinished flag.
Seller Comment (US) "Here is your chance to pick up an interesting and unfinished example of a Deutsche Jungvolk flag. This came to the US with a folded NSDAP roundel which I will list separately and must have both been taken from a factory prior to being finished and issued. As you can see, this particular piece was stored neatly folded for years and years after the war. Printed construction and a bold rune motif. Measures roughly 51-3/4 inches long by about 34-7/8 inches tall. A fantastic artifact from the Third Reich and rare to say the least. "

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