Marine-HJ cap tally collection

My contribution today, two Ausweis: for a Rottenführer from 1/343 Frankenthal and a youngster from the Düsseldorf Jungvolk.

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Horst Wessel - And a few press photos (familiar to most of you, I think).

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Admiral Trotha

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Two MHJ group pictures of mine: here the Marine-Gefolgschaft 22/229 Hof in front of their tent with the inscription Gebiet Bayr. Ostmark 22. They have emphasised the name of their town with pebbles.

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The leadership of an MHJ unit from Mitte-Thüringen, with a lot of Leistungsbazeichen and others. They are probably from Gera. In the background the logo of the BDMV (Bund Deutscher Marinevereine).

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Cependant, les photos MHJ avec des tallies en tenue sont aussi ma passion.

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Bonsoir Marine-HJ, la bannière du garçon en bas à gauche du groupe photo, je n'arrive pas à l'agrandir suffisamment. Je crois que c'est celle-là, non ?

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My contribution today, two Ausweis: for a Rottenführer from 1/343 Frankenthal and a youngster from the Düsseldorf Jungvolk.

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The one on the right belonged to me for many years and I sold it as a favor to a friend for research on his part. In the end, I wished I had kept it. John