
  1. R

    Deutsches Jungvolk, BDM and NSDAP tinnies

    hm some more Admin Edit for search: Jungbannaufmarsch 1/232 Bergisch-Land 6.6.1935 Sport-Fest Sturmbann 244 Marienberg 17.9.33 1. Jungvolk-Aufmarsch Annaberg 6-9.7.1933 Stamm Obererzgebirge Rudolstadt BDM Pfingsten 1934 Wir helfen der Jugend 1939 9-13. Juni Juni 1939 Kreistreffen Gardelegen
  2. Joe B

    BDM Sportausweis

    I saw this on Mil 321: NSDAP Reichjugendführung Befehlsstelle II Amt für Leibesübungen Sportausweis des Bundes Deutscher Mädel in der HJ BDM Sportausweis issued by the RJF . I got outbid at 37 euro . Posted as a reference .
  3. Bann 171

    DJ organisation structure question 1934

    Hi, I have a short question about the Dj structure in 1934. I thought, that in the structure after the Stamm , the Faehnlein would come and that the Faehnlein numbers are counted consecutive all thru the Bann, e.g 1/171 to 88/171. But in the 1934 Mannheimer Newspaper, inthe NSDAP parole box it...
  4. W

    HJ Bann 65 / BDM Untergau 65

    Hello, My English is not good. I'm the moderator in the forum of community of interest for the exploration of Luftschutz installations and maintain a website for air protection in my home town of Frechen near Cologne (The Frechener bunker site in the Rhine-Erft near Cologne -...
  5. Paul Ayerst

    new purchase

    here is one I just purchased at auction an early colourful one NSDAP sympathiser buckle :canada1
  6. cemifor

    RZM manufacturer M1/101 - Gustav Brehmer, Markneukirchen.

    Gustav Brehmer, Markneukirchen - RZM manufacturer M1/101 This company was one of the manufacturers of the HJ Leistungsabzeichen (achievement badge) using RZM number M1/101. The company of Gustav Brehmer was founded in 1871 in the town of Markneukirchen in Saxony and became one of the premier...
  7. cemifor

    Sportnachrichtendienst der Hitlerjugend

    A few pages from: Sportnachtrichtendienst der Hitlerjugend, 6. 1940, 30 April 1940. Herausgeber: Reichsjugendführung der NSDAP, Berlin W 35, Kurfürstenstrasse 53 Erscheint nach bedarf Inhalt: 39 Sportordnung der Hitler-Jugend im Schiessen 40 Lehrgang der Reichsleistungsgruppe KKSchiessen...
  8. lach470

    NSDAP Jugend...early HJ....NSDAP sympathizer buckle

    Hey gang...This is not a common buckle to be sure...but it's never really been nailed as belonging to one specific group. I personally think that it's an early sympathizer buckle...but it's also been called early HJ leader (doubt it) as well as NSDAP jugend. Anyone happen to have any pics of it...
  9. Garry

    Jungschar des katholischen Jungmännerverbandes Deutschlands

    Jungschar des katholischen Jungmännerverbandes Deutschland After seeing Steve's very nice Jungdeutscher Orden membership docs I thought I'd post another membership document from a pre-HJ movement, the catholic Jungschar. This covered the younger boys within the catholic young mens'...
  10. B

    HJ Sympathiser Buckles

    These small sympathiser buckles are not to be confused with those, reserved to the largest of the Hitlerjugend. Linked to the political scope of the Nazi party, were used from childhood, I believe indistinctly by sex, pre-HJ. Not much is known about the real use, probably even outside party...
  11. Paul Ayerst

    FAD (Freiwilliger Arbeitsdienst) youth patch

    the FAD was the early precursor of the RAD and they had a youth section with a designating insignia as shown. As this movement was very early in the NSDAP history there is certainly a connection to the HJ and BDM :canada:
  12. Alfrie

    NSDAP training school monschau - NSDAP Ordensburg Vogelsang

    haye every one just been looking thought my old holiday pics from last year and forgot that i had been here monschau on a day trip which was really nice we visited the old NSDAP camp which now is a learning institute for schools on wild life and things of that nature, the guide did not tell us...
  13. lauri

    HJ feldscherverbandkasten ?

    Hello Do you think that this box is related to the HJ or NSDAP? I think the life rune was also used by the civilians... On the paper label : parckordnung and landwirtschaftkasten.
  14. zander

    Nice mixed group picture

    Heres a nice picture of members of the MHJ- HJ - NSKK { SA at the rear ?) and NSDAP any further info would be appreciated, Steve
  15. Garry

    Lanyard for HJ Hauptscharführer and DJ Hauptjungzugführer Green/black

    I was asked about this colour combination a couple of times recently so I thought it might be of some use to others to post the info here. Green/black is not shown as a possible lanyard colour combination on the 1936, 37, 38 colour plates in the 'Organisationsbuch der NSDAP' but does appear...
  16. zander

    Emil Klein

    Emil klein , was born on 3-12- 1905 and died 22-2-10 at the age of 105, he was the Gebietsführer of HJ Gebiet 19 Hochland in Bavaria for a period of time and was awarded the honor badge with oak leafs , more info on his life via this link Emil Klein (NSDAP)
  17. T

    BDM and JM rank lanyards for 1936

    Does any one have a picture from NSDAP Organisationsbuch for 1936 (or other book) for lanyards worn by the BDM and JM. I have others but not this one. Many thanks
  18. Weibliche

    Small BDM paperwork grouping (NSDAP membership card, BDM achievement badge...)

    Hello again~ Here is a nice little 4 piece document grouping belonging to a young woman named Gerta Druckenmuller-Preissing. First up is her BDM membership card with supplemental card for dues stamps. The card is folded over in the scan, but it is all there. It looks like she is wearing a RJA...
  19. Heran

    Düsseldorf Schlageter 1933

    Hi Guys, This Tinnie was my very first one, so allow me to say a few words about it. Also, it is like a good bye to this fantastic city crossed by the Rhein. What always caught my attention is that there are 2 crosses in this Tinnie. Why this? And what or who was Schlageter? You can see 3...
  20. Heran

    Research into the Hitler Youth in Spain

    Hi Guys, Since Lauri open the following thread: http://www.hj-research.com/forum/f45/spanien-1042/#post8523 I haven’t stopped thinking about investigating the HJ in Spain. Unfortunately I have no clue where to start. And this weekend my girlfriend came from Munich for our last weekend in...