How were Hitler Youth membership numbers allocated?

Jun 12, 2009
Thanks Received

I'm on a stroll through older posts and I re-discovered your HJ Ausweis issued in Nov 31, membership number 90xxx in THIS thread .

Now a question arises and probably you can help here: were all HJ membership numbers Germany-wide consecutive? Meaning: did member No 1 somewhere from Bavaria joined the HJ as first and member No x-million-x-hundredthousand probably from Thuringia joined as last? The background of this question and at the moment I'm not home so I cannot check: I believe I have an Ausweis with a lower HJ membership number (48thousand or so) but he joined in April 32. Was the numbering of the HJ members done by the RJF (or a similar forerunner) or by the Gau/Gebiet by their own?
And while speaking/writing about it ... another question. Did the DJ membership number was taken into the HJ, once they joined them with sufficiant age? Or were they issued with a new number?

I know lots of questions but maybe you find a quite moment/hour to write a little essay about that topic if you know more.


memberships numbers

Has no one an idea about that or was my post/thread forgotten about?

Rgds and thx in advance

Hi Daniel,

I did mean to write something ages ago when I first saw this thread but clearly I got sidetracked :)

Could you possibly show the ID with the membership number 48*** at all? Is that the membership number for your Bannführer? I only ask because his Führerausweis only shows his membership number and not his join date. Without that join date we won't be able to directly compare his number/join date to the other ID you mentioned.
HJ membership numbers

Hi Garry. As soon I get home I will put a scan of Ausweis on here. Thanks for replying anyway and sorry for the delay on my side. Approx end of next week it will happen.
However, it is not my Bannfuehrer Ausweis, but another one.


early DJ Ausweis

Hi Garry and community,

at the end I have found the Ausweis, mentioned above. Actually there are two:

1. DJ Ausweis, number 12785, dated June 1932
It is belonging to Jochen Fuchs, born 13th of Nov 1920 in Fallersleben, belonging to "Gau" Ost - Hannover
2. DJ Führerausweis, number 143820, same HJ membership number, of "Hans - Joachim" Fuchs, who was promoted on 23rd of January 1935 to "Jungzugführer" and just a month later to Fähnleinführer. What I have to mention is following: the later protoion had been not stamped and is very hard to read.

Hope this helps and we get a sense out of that.



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