MARINE HJ blouse controversy SOLVED !

Here are a few scans from ebay showing a Marine HJ rally with both types of collars utilized . Also a reference to the Special MHJ blouse and collar knot .

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It reached home today. By the way, sorry for the shitty photo.

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MHJ blouse, non regulation photo

This is an example of a non-regulation blouse worn by MHJ members. First pattern tally so early.


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Time to open the controversy...
I've got that tunic what indeed I believe it is a good MHJ tunic (I've seen another similar for sale not so many days ago) It has an RZM tag (It could had been applied to fool people) but it has also RZM marks on the fabric wich is more difficult to fake. It had the back corners round... but it lacks from pockets. Whats your opinion? The tunic itself looks legit to me

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Hello Albrecht,

there is no controversy, your MHJ Tunic is beautiful but it does not comply with the regulations, it does not matter.
I still admire the period items, especially when they still have the label, which is even rarer.

Hello all,

I will post pictures of my MHJ blouse soon. It is similar to the model shown by Albrecht.