Marine-HJ shoulder strap anchors


Jun 5, 2009
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Wim covered these in his book obviously and he mentioned that although strictly forbidden, the anchor was still in use in some places into the war years. I came across an order from 1941 which I thought might be interesting as it shows that these anchors weren't just being added locally to the MHJ straps but rather that some units were trying to order MHJ straps with anchors directly from the RZM. Naughty naughty :)

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"The RZM reports that recent orders for non-regulation MHJ shoulder straps have been placed with the request that anchors be applied to them..... there are to be no more orders placed for non-regulation shoulder straps"

Nice examples here at 0:24



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Three MHJ with anchor ciphers in their shoulderstraps .

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Great pictures. In the third picture the boards look like leader boards. Can anyone tell if the anchor was embroidered?
Can anyone tell if the anchor was embroidered?

This is a good question. I only have seen MHJ straps with metal anchor but maybe that order what Garry talked about was for some stitched anchors? I have not seen original examples with this in someones collection yet.