Photograph Deutsche Jugend Kroatien, Bann 2 Save-Donau

Aug 10, 2009
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I was get this pic two weeks ago, look at triangle and shoulderboards. Home-made!
I think you would like this pic :w00t:

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Very interesting picture. Really odd looking triangle to say the least, and a DJ that young with two shoulder straps? Good find.
Great picture, if i found a triangle like that im sure id pass it up, very interesting, cheers for posting.
I dont mean to ruffel any feathers , but I ask everyone here if you all think this is an original photograph ?
The reason I ask is , far as I know only Jungvolk Leaders wore 2 shoulderstraps .
this boy looks too young to be a DJ Leader .
In my opinion ( and yes , I have been proven wrong before) this photo is either postwar made up for a film or a photo made up postwar to fool collectors .

If you look closer , it does not look like he is wearing a neckerchef leather slide also .
There are to many things wrong with this photo to convince me at this time that this is a good photograph .

Opinions welcome
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DJ but not DJ

DJ (Deutsche Jugend) but not DJ (Deutsches Jungvolk)


The boy is member of the Deutsche Jugend Kroatien / Bann 2 (Save-Donau) and this triangle certainly did exist only handmade.
First time I see this one !

Best regards

Well if you see the pic; the paper photo for me is original from ww2, if its a fake? I don't know.
Anyway I'm so happy for have it because its a so curious pic.
DJ (Deutsche Jugend) but not DJ (Deutsches Jungvolk)


The boy is member of the Deutsche Jugend Kroatien / Bann 2 (Save-Donau) and this triangle certainly did exist only handmade.
First time I see this one !

Best regards

Many thanks for your enlightening information, DEBERTEX.
Seems you have a collector's item here, Albrecht.