Rare Nord / Ostsee HJ triangle

Hello Micheal, would it be possible to see the reverse side of your patch please?
Sure. Please excuse the quality, just made a quick shot with the mobile

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Thanks Micheal. Wierd seeing the weave going in that direction and that odd-looking right side but if I remember correctly, these were done on a continuous roll so some were offset? Rare triangle that one but you know that already :)


The triangles appeared in 1933. Between 1933 and 1936, the manufacturers did a little bit of what they wanted. In 1936, the RZM regulated the manufacture very precisely. Only the font will change in 1938.

Most triangles manufactured between 1933 and 1936 are
among the rarest.

"Nord Ostsee" (1933-1934) exists in 3 different "non standard"
manufactures ("standard" = 1936-1945). Here are the pictures of these 3 fabrications (To have the exact chronology, picture 2 should be picture 3).

Best regards

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