Schulungsdienst der Hitler-Jugend - Deutsche Leistung. What is it worth?

Jun 27, 2011
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Hello to all, I present you a plate in metal which I found at the bottom of an attic.
Dimension: Height: 32cm (12.598inch) Width: 25cm (9.843inch)
I do not know to what it corresponds and I hope that you go to be able to inform me! It seems to me that it rest a plate of entrance of a school HJ.
In brief; your opinion on this object?

Thanks to all,

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I haven't seen one of these before but based on what we can see it makes no sense to me. The 'Schulungsdienst der Hitler-Jugend' was a publication published by the Reichsjugendführung and 'Deutsche Leistung' was the title of the 6th issue in 1941. Why on earth would this be on an enamelled sign?
Enfin, le but premier du post est avant tout l'identification de cet objet!!!

(Finally, the primary purpose of the post is essentially the identification of this object! )

Is it? That's not the feeling I got when I saw your first and third posts as they were before I had to amend them...

Anyway... back to the sign:

The attachment shows what I was trying to get across in words in post 2:

The 'Schulungsdienst der Hitler-Jugend' was not a school but a magazine. It contained articles which were intended for use during ideological/political schooling during the weekly meetings (Heimabend). So, why would the cover of one single issue of the magazine have been turned into an enamel sign and then slapped on the wall of a school? It makes no sense. I'm struggling to find a logical scenario which would account for the appearance of your sign and am therefore very sceptical that this is an authentic item.

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I'm not in confidence with these enamel signs me too.

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Isn't the Rust supposed to be a bad sign? I remember having a talk about the Fake Adolf-Hitlerstraße signs a few years back, and the opinion was that they should never show this yellow rust ?
I don't know Jo to be honest. I like these even less now after seeing the two posted by Lauri... These signs make no sense.