some Hitler Youth shoulder boards with variants from my collection


Jan 5, 2011
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In accordance with the rules, the B3s had to be yellow, which was the case, but they were colored red, probably following a change in the rules. see original color on reverse.
Nevertheless, it is difficult to explain because the name B becomes obsolete with the appearance of the new S-Boards, always in sand color .

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Great boards and a nice example of change over the years. I believe that the B boards were colored red to abolish the Oberbanne and were therefore general Hitler Youth. But why the Unterbann number? They were abolished at the same time.
From ALTONA-Pinneberg , the color was change from yellow (01-0-33) to red (01-01-34).
On the yellow Strap we can see the traces of an unterbann which has been removed

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Oberbann 1 Bann 186 Unterbann V und IV , Frankfurt am MAIN -West , West-Hessen Nassau

Here a "pair" not quite identical, I found them together and later I found the third one which is totally different and probably older (because of the size ?)
The 186/IV is not hand embroidered but rather machine embroidered with more relief .

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108 Dresden-Neustadt , Mitte-Sachsen
Oberbann 2 , Bann 108 , Unterbann V
186 OB 1 Bann 186 Unterbann IV , Frankfurt am MAIN -West , West-Hessen Nassau
Both are machine embroidered and have a special size and form

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The early version
GAU Weser-EMS /Oldenburg Bann 5 (dark green and brown ) You can see a number on the back, 41
FRANKEN Bann 9 (not sure 100% ) black and yellow
The third shoulder-board is only to compare the size

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And here is the cap that goes with the shoulder-board, unfortunately I only have one!

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Wow, what great shoulder boards and of course the hat is great too. Great set and thanks for showing it. I'm looking forward to more pieces. Do you also have something from area 17?
Gebiet 3 BERLIN
37 Wilmerdorf-zehlendorf Nachrichten -Hj
61 Neukoelln-Treptow Motor -HJ
199 Pankow-Weissesee Motor -Hj
280 for a short time only , Weissensee ,the Bann was granted "Georg Preiser"
155 Kreuzberg ,the name "Hanns Hoffmann" was granted , accordind to WIM s BOOK one STAMM from Kreuzberg-Stadtmitte was reserved in july1938 for youth who where ofen found in bars, public houses and the like. This Stamm and its youth were know as "Stamm Coca-Cola" by the population of Berlin .
199 DJ Pankow - Weissesee
198 DJ Charlottenburg-Spandau
37 Fuhrer -DJ Wilmerdorf-Zehlendorf , note the price tag with D , a high RZM price

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Gebiet 3 BERLIN
37 Wilmerdorf-zehlendorf Nachrichten -Hj
61 Neukoelln-Treptow Motor -HJ
199 Pankow-Weissesee Motor -Hj
280 for a short time only , Weissensee ,the Bann was granted "Georg Preiser"
155 Kreuzberg ,the name "Hanns Hoffmann" was granted , accordind to WIM s BOOK one STAMM from Kreuzberg-Stadtmitte was reserved in july1938 for youth who where ofen found in bars, public houses and the like. This Stamm and its youth were know as "Stamm Coca-Cola" by the population of Berlin .
199 DJ Pankow - Weissesee
198 DJ Charlottenburg-Spandau
37 Fuhrer -DJ Wilmerdorf-Zehlendorf , note the price tag with D , a high RZM price
Well done, great collection of shoulder boards, thank you for posting the photos
Very nice boards from the Berlin area. Over the years I have noticed that there are also rare pieces in the area. You have some rare boards in your collection. The spells 61, 280 and 155 are very rare to find. Congratulations on the beautiful Berlin collection.
Thank you Steve and EWAN for your comments

Some more .. BANN 945 Hermann Goering WERK
Motor and Algemein Hj

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it's one of the first Motor HJ boards I see from the Bann 945.
Indeed, I am surprised that we do not find others from the different formations of this BANN.
I found an image of these DJ-Fuhrer

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I honestly feel the other way round. I wouldn't have thought that there were any special formations in this particular Bann. After all, Reichswerke Hermann Göring was one of the three largest companies in the German Reich. Of course, the Reichsjugendführung also wanted to have control over the young people here, so a separate Bann was even set up for the Reichswerke.

However, the aim here was of course not to recruit people for the special formations of the Wehrmacht later on, but to turn the apprentices into specialists for the company.
Hence my surprise that there were special formations at all (or is that a discoloured red of the Allgemeine HJ?).

On the other hand, there was of course always a need and a desire for the RJF to control their young people - so of course there were Streifendienst units. Once again the colour discussion. For me it's white, don't you think, Bertrand? You wouldn't really expect to find DJ here in this special Bann, as the apprentices were at least 14 years old, so they were too old for the Jungvolk.
Certainly a topic that needs to be looked at more closely. Thanks for showing.
I agree with Jack. In itself, the DJ makes no sense in the spell and it could actually be white instead of gray and therefore belong to the HJ-Streifendienst. And with the Motor HJ it could also be a faded red HJ. Maybe you can take a photo of it with another Motor HJ shoulder board to see comparisons.
Bann 945 was raised on 1.1.1942 under Oberbannführer Kortmann and assumed a new area that had previously belonged to parts of Banne 250 and 447 respectively. Initially it was known as Bann Lebenstedt "Hermann Göring " but by Aug 1942 it was called Bann 945 Reichswerke Hermann Göring. Notwithstanding the industrial aspect of the Bann area (big subject of course...), it was organised like other Banne with HJ, DJ, BDM and JM all carrying out the usual training, sport etc as in other Banne although it appears to have been more difficult for this Bann due to the large number of Volksdeutsche living in the area. As with Bann 468 Volkswagenwerk Braunschweig-Vorwerk, Bann 945 had young workers and apprentices employed within the Reichswerke but as I say, this was just part of the Bann and not all of it. Actually there is a photo of a MHJ chap from this Bann in an old thread on the forum somewhere. If I find it I'll post it here.

The source for the info on Bann 945 is Kameradenbriefe der HJ Niedersachsen 1942-1944
Hello and thank you for these interesting thoughts. It is certain that this Bann was looking to train technicians .Indeed after more precise observation it is rather white which would be logical. As for the Hj motor, it is pink and not red but the photo looks bad, I will try to make another one ;
It's good to find a topic of discussion!!