Some More HJ and BDM sleeve Triangles

Jun 22, 2009
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HJ Südost Oberdonau
BDM Südost Oberdonau
BDM Südost Wien
HJ Mitte Thüringen

Here are some new additions...

I'm not sure where these fall as far as common or not.

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Darin, I think I understand now what you said about the earlier text style. The Thurigen text is very different looking from the other examples.

Thanks for looking, Paul!
they used the same script types on the cuff titles and I do not actually think the use of SUTTERLIN script denotes age just a preference used throughout the war but lets hear more

To my eyes, the script on the "Thuringen" triangle looks more refined, more finely executed. I guess this was the difference I was noticing, compared to the other 3 examples pictured.

But you're right, Paul, that may not be any indication of age.
There are most definetly an early and late pattern triangle. The early pattern had a more what I would say is "elegant" looking script. This is in reference to the triangles in use prior to 1936. Wim Sarris has researched this extensively and I trust what he states as fact. He has access to the RZM manufacturers data and can tell you who the manufacturer is and when they were first permitted to make insignia from reading the RZM tags. An early style would have to have an early permitted maker. Converesly two styles of lettering from the same permitted manufacturer should indicate an early and a later style as long as the maker held the permit early on. He has told me his new book you will have the full list of A4 manufacturers, as far as the numbers were mentioned in the Herstellungsvorschriften, the Handbuch or the various RZM issues from the Mitteilungsblatt. Here's a couple of Berlin triangles that show the difference. Wim has told me the second one is late pattern and the other is early pre 1936.

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Good info. Thanks Darin. Can't wait for that book (Along with about 5 other current reference books that I'm wanting. At a $100 a pop, they ad up).
This is an early pattern Landjahr, issued in early 1934 and used for a very short period. Compare the script with that of the later pattern Landjahr. Pic was lifted from Wietze, I don't know who got this one, but well done.

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That Landjahr was a real scoop for someone. As Darin said, it must date from early 1934 because although the colour green was designated for use on Landjahr triangles and straps it wasn't actually used until the Oberbanne had been removed from the HJ structure. That took longer than planned so this type of triangle was probably only in use for a year or less.

Do you know how much it went for Darin?
That Landjahr was a real scoop for someone. As Darin said, it must date from early 1934 because although the colour green was designated for use on Landjahr triangles and straps it wasn't actually used until the Oberbanne had been removed from the HJ structure. That took longer than planned so this type of triangle was probably only in use for a year or less.

Do you know how much it went for Darin?

350 euro Garry, not a bad price. I've only seen one other, it was oversewn with a green one!
Regarding the early and later pattern triangles. I asked on another forum and Wim replied that there are most definetly early and late pattern triangles. He states the early pattern date from the introduction in 1933, and the later pattern 1936 are shown in the Herstellungsvorschriften. He said it will all be explained in the book, and there will be about 180 triangles shown including some comparisons of early and late pattern with explainations of the letter differences where aplicable.

Here's a link to a photo of the new book Wim posted there

worldwarmilitaria. com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=29896&d=1248782845
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180?? Can't wait to see the pics. That's mind boggling. Looking forward to more info on early vs. later.
I just read the thread on that forum and take it that there is agreement that variations occur due to many manufacturers on the post 36 triangles . As for the pre 36 ones it is not clear if that lettering was carried on after 36 which I think did occur.

Well, hopefully the book will clear up some of my questions, as I am still uncertain on how to date triangles. Too much contradictory information out now.