Jun 7, 2009
Thanks Received
hi some new items to the collection:

Bannführer / Jungbannführer rank lanyard
HJ Hauptscharführer / DJ Hauptjungzugführer rank lanyard
Nachrichten-HJ Bann 673
DJ Bann 739
General HJ Bann 766
Flieger-HJ Bann 788
General HJ Bann 934
Pre-1938 Landjahr
Scharführer Bann 164 Oberbann 3, Unterbann I
War volunteer (Kriegsfreiwilliger) Jungbann 284
Gefolgschaftsführer Bann 338
HJ Nord Nordsee triangle with Traditionslitze
HJ West Hessen-Nassau triangle
HJ Südost Oberdonau triangle
HJ Süd Bayreuth triangle

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hi railhouse
some great boards there but one question the bannfuhrer patch the silver bullion device has it been added to the strap as it looks odd or could you post a better picture of it

thanks steve
hi yes but it looks like it was made during the period but who knows? I am not 100% sure