Was there a standard uniform for the Hitler Youth?

Apr 10, 2016
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Hi, I'm a New Zealand writer working on a novel based at the end of the Second World War. I have seen a lot of mentions of kit inspections for Hitler Youth but haven't managed to find a list of what was actually in a kit. Anyone have any ideas? I understand that the HY were presented with a knife in their mid to late teens but I would love to know would have been standard for a 12 year old. Many thanks, Karen
I understand that the HY were presented with a knife in their mid to late teens but I would love to know would have been standard for a 12 year old. Many thanks, Karen
HI, the DJ / HJ lad had to earn the knife, it was not just "presented" to them. And most certainly not in "their mid-late teens" but much earlier.
I would think that the answers to the questions you ask, are all to be found on this forum.
Yes, as Jo says, the knife had to be earned. From 1.1.1936, a series of tests known as the Pimpfenprobe was introduced and these were usually attempted by Jungvolk boys six months after joining. Those who passed the tests were then authorised to wear the knife and certain other items. There is an article containing the test requirements in our Gold section here.

As a 12 year old, your chap would have been a member of the Deutsches Jungvolk and so his uniform would have been different in some aspects to that worn by the older boys in the Hitler Youth. How much detail do you need for your book?