
  1. S

    Berchtesgadener Trachtenjacke

    Hello... has anybody Information about the Berchtesgadener Trachtenjacke. i received one of those jackets from a 95 years old women together witch the BDM achievement badges in bronce and silver, two Membership badges and a reichsjugendsportabzeichen. must be a tough Lady. she became both...
  2. S

    BDM achievement badge silver 7004

    hi guys... At first sorry for my bad english... Second... Greetings from hamburg germany. My grandfather was zgfhr. 3./pi.btl.30 and owner of the german cross in gold. I have all of his dokuments, orders and more than 500 fotos. So i became a collector. One of my collectable things are uniforms...
  3. S

    HJ and DJ achievement badges

    Hello everyone, I think these are all ok, but I would appreciate your confirmation. Thanks, Chris #1 silver RZM M1/34
  4. wingman15

    Opinion needed on HJ proficiency badge silver with "B" marking

    hi lads i need a second opinion for a friend of mine on this HJ proficiency badge,.i am abit concerned on the Makermark & pitting on rear & do you see toolmarks on the rear right side?,.any thoughts much appretiated si
  5. M

    HJ achievement badge by AD. Schwerdt #12632

    Hi everyone, I just want to show a new one that arrived in the mail today. A silver AD. Schwerdt marked Leistungabzeichen #12632, this is my first Schwerdt marked one.
  6. zacker

    Hitler Youth Proficiency Badge (Silver level) by M1/72 For Review

    Hello, just picked this up, thanks for looking or opinions.
  7. wingman15

    HJ silver proficiency badge M1/101

    would love some feedback on this silver proficiency badge M1/101 #150019,it is not the most mint example & i am aware of the fakes associated with the 101 badges though this one i believe checks out ok imo,.any commets much appretiated. cheers, si
  8. R

    Bronze and Silver HJ Achievement badges for review

    Hi, I read at a thread here, there are some M1/101 achievement badges fakes on market today. I have a M1/101 and a M1/35 I purchased some years ago, and I'd like to know your opinions about they: Best Regards, Ricardo
  9. R

    HJ Reichssportwettkampf Siegernadel tinnies collection

    Hi, I'm new here and among others WWII stuff I collect HJ Reichssportwettkampf Siegernadel tinnies. I think I have a near complete sequence, only missing the 1941 and a 1943 with half oak leaves crown in better conditions (at mine the rear pin is missing). Among them I have two 1938 and two...
  10. Paul Ayerst

    SILVER achievement Bmarked with packet

    Here is a pic of a silver achievement badge with packet. It is B marked and so noted on the packet saying B SERIES. might SHED SOME LIGHT ON THESE B MARKED ITEMS WE SEE often. This is for sale on WAF :canada1
  11. Joe B

    HJ Sports Competion Documents Gold , Silver , Bronze .

    There are many styles of Hitlerjugend Sports Competition Documents , I prefer those that are embossed with "Hitlerjugend" on them . These documents are all to the same person that took the bronze , silver and gold in varies events at a Sports Competion Event .
  12. wingman15

    Potsdam youth day badge

    on the 1st & 2nd of October 1932 Baldur von schirach organised the first Reichs jugendtag in Potsdam,here is a commemorative badge,.by F.HOFFSTATTER,BOHN & GES.GESCH,there is also a silver badge that was introduced in 1936 & after that was issued the wearing of the bronze badge was forbidden...
  13. wingman15

    Silver level cloth HJ achievement badge - opinions?

    would like some opinions on this HJ proficiency badge in silver,cheers
  14. Pimpf359

    HJ Luftwaffenhelfer patch with silver braid!

    Has this already seen somebody?
  15. cemifor

    BDM girl wearing a Kriegsverdienstmedaille - War Merit Medal

    Photo - BDM with Kriegsverdienstmedaille - War Merit Medal. I think it's the first BDM with I have seen with this medal. Would be interesting to know why she got it. (pics are from a current ebay auction) The Kriegsverdienstmedaille (War Merit Medal) was instituted 19 August 1940, to reward...
  16. P

    DJH Jugendburg Monschau tinnie in plastic

    I have often seen the DJH pressed paper "Tinnies" but never come across something like this so just had to have it! Grey plastic construction with a silver wash, most of which has disappeared with age. Was not expensive so if it is not a "good" one I will not be distraught!
  17. dkelley

    Für des Führer's Jugend Tagungsabzeichen FAKE

    This tinnie I have not encountered in this configuration. I pray I am wrong about this tinnie, because it is gorgeous. My research has revealed numerous examples in magnetic sheet metal and non-magnetic sheet metal probably tin. What bothers me about this one is primarily the pin attachment...
  18. S

    HJ Bronze achievement badge question

    Hi - I have the chance to buy 2 HJ Proficiency badges. This is my favorite, because it is gold, and it is numbered. I was wondering if it was genuine, and what should I pay for this - fair retail? I will post the Silver later. You will notice the HJ member scratched his name on the back...
  19. N

    Two original silver level HJ achievement badges M1/35

  20. dkelley

    HJ Proficiency Badge RZM M1/63 serial number fakes

    Greetings mates. I found a thread the other day talking about HJ RZM M1/63Proficiency badge fakes with identical serial numbers. I have looked for a HJ Proficiency badge database on fake badges without success. Can someone assist? Second, I came across an HJ Proficiency badge in silver with an...