Bugles (Signalhorn) used by the Hitler Youth


Jun 5, 2009
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Does anyone have photos showing the bugle (Signalhorn) in use? It would be useful to get as many photos as we can together in one place in order to see just how much variety there was and also to see whether we can find a clear shot of a regulation bugle.

The regulation bugle is described as follows (1941): "C tuning, made completely of aluminium, length: 275mm, artillery red cord wound to a length of 4cm, regulation HJ eagle on the upper side of the flare". Prior to this, bugles made of brass appear to have been used and I'll endeavour to find a description of that type in the regulations too - assuming that they were regulated at that point..

This post shows a photo from the early 1940s for example. I don't see the red cord and this bugle has a silver flare but darker(?) body.
It certainly is Wim. No pictures unfortunately but the description is detailed. Thanks.

Still looking for pictures of the later aluminium version.
At the back of the November 1939 issue of "Der Pimpf" there is an advert for instruments by Hess. The bugle with HJ eagle appears to be shown at the bottom of the page. Does anyone happen to have a copy of this issue? If so it would be great to see a good scan of the page

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