Deutsche Jugend in Banat and Serbia - Deutscher Mädelbund


Jun 5, 2009
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This was originally posted by member 'hba45' on the first incarnation of HJ-Research. A fantastic set of 'Deutsche Jugend' DMB (Deutscher Mädelbund) documents for a volksdeutsche* girl who lived in Bela Crkva (German: Weisskirchen) in Serbia.

I first purchased these documents thinking they were BDM but found out that they belong to the Deutscher Maedelbund. They were an organization for ethnic German girls but not pat of the HJ. I understand that this organization was in the regions of Hungary, Serbia,Romania and Croatia. They were ethnic Germans but not citizens of the Third Reich. They were later allowed to join the Waffen -SS as foreign volunteers.

Information from the grouping
BDM Scharfuhrein Anna Sieb born 28/02/1914
She in entitled to BDM sports badge in bronze.

On a side note you are also able to see that she is standing next to someone who is a SS oberscharführer. The only 2 didvisions were the 13 Waffen-Gerbirgs -Division der SS Handscher and 23 Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS Kama. I think it is her brother Anton Ostuf Sieb, born 31,12,00. I could not find anything else on him and he is not listed as KIA or MIA. Maybe he returned after the war?

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