DJ organisation structure question 1934

Jul 1, 2009
Thanks Received
Mannheim Area
I have a short question about the Dj structure in 1934. I thought, that in the structure after the Stamm , the Faehnlein would come and that the Faehnlein numbers are counted consecutive all thru the Bann, e.g 1/171 to 88/171. But in the 1934 Mannheimer Newspaper, inthe NSDAP parole box it says: Stamm Altrhein, Faehnlein 1, Fahenlein 2 ect
Stamm Gartenstadt, Faehnlein 1, Fahenlein 2 ect
Stamm .... ,Faehnlein 1, Fahenlein 2 ect
Here each stam starts again with 1
Is this normal???
Thanks for any hints!
That's correct Dirk. At that time both the HJ Unterbann and the DJ Stamm were organised that way. The nominal figure was four Gefolgschaften (numbered 1 to 4) and four Fähnlein (numbered 1 to 4) in each HJ Unterbann and DJ Stamm respectively. In 1935 this changed to the system of consecutive numbering (Stamm 1: Fähnlein 1 to 4. Stamm 2: Fähnlein 5 to 8 etc) and it is noted in the HJ version of the OB for 1937 that the change was necessary because of the confusion which could be caused by having multiple units with the same number.
Hi Dirk,

I don't remember if you got back to me on the numbers. My apologies if you did but I have these from Bann 171 in the list currently:

171 Fähnlein 1 Mannheim-Alstadt
171 Fähnlein 19 Mannheim-Neuostheim
171 Gefolgschaft 17 Mannheim-Schwetzingerstadt-West

Do you have any more that we can add? Your help with the project would be very much appreciated :thumb:
Hi Gary nice to hear from you! I have now researched 97% of the Bann 171 Faehnleinnumbers!! I got many numbers and will send them the next days! I think there will be not many Banns aroung where almost all numbers are known. Talk to you soon