Flieger-HJ shoulder strap Bann 134

Jun 8, 2009
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A post 1937 Flieger Strap for Bann 134 Plauen i.V area Sachsen
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rank of Scharfuhrer bann 237 Mores Area Ruhr-Niederrhein
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HJ-Streifendienst Bann 136

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Post 1937 HJ-Streifendienst Bann 136 Iserlohn Area Westfalen-Sud


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no ewan it does never stop :laugh: and as for prices some are cheap and some cost more than the pc you write on :thumbup1:
:eek: this laptop cost me a grand 1k ohh dear.

does the banns ever run out thats what i ment :D

i have been collecting for ever all stages of my life all diffrent things as i got older and have been on TR from 20 and i could NEVER stop collecting german militaria once you have been bittin buy the bug.

happy collecting to everyone
