Hitlers youngest hope, Nazipropaganda for the youth

Sep 13, 2009
Thanks Received
Hi everyone,

I found this magnificent book written by Gerard Groeneveld. The illustrations are based on an advanced collection of so called 'fibels', learning books for the youth. Especially the youngest children. Regrettably the book is only in the Dutch language. All the fibels and drawings are discussed and it gives a nice insight in the nazi propaganda available in that time for the little children. Thought this was interesting for anyone who's busy with the DJ-HJ... :001_smile: Anyone knows the correct name of that spidery font they used so often in these fibels? I can't barely read it.

Regards, Wim

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    You don't have permission to view attachments.
see post 2 for what it means!

Further it was already abolished to use other scripts since January 1941:
Der Führer hat entschieden, dass sämtliche Zeitungen usw. auf die
sogenannte Antiqua-Schrift umgestellt werden. Die Antiqua-Schrift
wird künftig als Normalschrift bezeichnet.
(letter Der Reichsminister und Chef der Reichskanzlei (Rk. 237B) from
January 13, 1941 at the Führerhauptquartier). With this the Sütterlin as
well as Gothic script were meant.

Reasons: Sütterlin did remind too much to be Jewish; Gothic while most
foreigners could not read it. They could speak German, but often reading
was a problem.
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You mean: Klaus der Hitlerjunge?
The book by Groeneveld. When did they publish it?

Hi Wim, Klaus der Hitlerjunge I don't know? The book I posted is published this year. On the back are mentioned some other books written by this author but it doesn't include the title you mentioned.

Regards, Wim
see post 2 for what it means!

Further it was already abolished to use other scripts since January 1941:
Der Führer hat entschieden, dass sämtliche Zeitungen usw. auf die
sogenannte Antiqua-Schrift umgestellt werden. Die Antiqua-Schrift
wird künftig als Normalschrift bezeichnet.
(letter Der Reichsminister und Chef der Reichskanzlei (Rk. 237B) from
January 13, 1941 at the Führerhauptquartier). With this the Sütterlin as
well as Gothic script were meant.

Reasons: Sütterlin did remind too much to be Jewish; Gothic while most
foreigners could not read it. They could speak German, but often reading
was a problem.

Hey what's with the yellow shouting :) There's nothing relevant in post #2 but yes, Bormann's Erlass came in January but Sütterlin existed officially until Sept 1941. Wanna argue with that!!! ;))
Who were you responding to in post #2? Me or Wim Vangossum?
Yeah, okay... I did read everything the first time around and your post did not then, and still does not, make sense which is why I asked. Here, I'll explain:

Wim Vangossum posts something, you ask a question. He doesn't respond but I do in response to his question about the font. You shout in post #4 about something meaning something in post #2 and then go on to explain about when Sütterlin was banned. You'll forgive me for being confused about who you were shouting at?
I "translated" the text from the cover for Wim, as I thought he was not able to read the Sütterlin.
What are you talking I "shout". I do not need to explain things and/or matters too you.

As said before, I was not talking too you. I know when the Sütterlin was banned, as I have the
correspondence about that in my files from the TR-period.
I guess you got the info from the Internet. I do not quote from Internet, I use official documentation.
With this for me the discussion is closed. I will not respond to you! It does not make any sense....
I don't accept that Mr Saris but I'll let it go. Too tired to provide a proper answer. Maybe tomorrow but don't count on it!!:sleep: