HJ Bannfahne and DJ Jungbannfahne

Jun 7, 2009
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Pennsylvania, USA
Looking through some books, and even on films, I've seen some flags that I'm curious about. Other than the standard HJ flag (Red/White with Swas in middle) and the black DJ Rune Flag, I've seen ones that have a eagle across them. They look like they would be red/white in color. One book shows illistrations of them as being both red/white and all black.

I looked through the forum here, and didn't find any pics in anyones collections,although I could have missed them. I was wondering if they were an "early" style of regimental flag, a rare type of flag, or what their significance is. There are a few shown here at 2:02 and 3:26

YouTube - "Ein junges Volk steht auf" March - Pr?s? Lietuvoje dainavo.


These are the Bann and Jungbann flags Rob. Rare as hell but we had a member on the old forum who had both types. As far as I remember he didn't even know what they were .until we discussed them. I used the eagle from his Jungbann flag on my old avatar as I loved the flag so much. Let me see if I can find the pictures..

Edit to add pictures:

They belong to cruizer. He's a member here but I don't think he's been too active lately.

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There was one of these flags per Bann/Jungbann Rob/Nick. They were the highest level flag in the HJ/DJ and represented thousands of boys as opposed to the 150 or so represented by a Gefolgschaft flag for example. Many of the Bann/Jungbann flags were destroyed, probably the vast majority, by the HJ itself as the end of the war loomed. I dreamed of owning one of these and then cruizer turns up one day with both and casually dropped them into conversation on the old forum :)

Beautiful heavy embroidery on these.
Check post 2 Darin. He joined here in September and last logged in at the beginning of November (account now inactive). It must be the same guy though I reckon.
I think it is Criuzer Garry, he's from the US if I remember correctly. Lucky guy that 1/201 Jungbannfahne is an awesome item.