HJ Gefolgschaft flag 24/411 - looks odd...


Sep 30, 2012
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I noticed this one on another forum. These should have seven rings for attaching to the pole. The clips suggest an early flag perhaps but the corner patch is the later standard type that would not normally be found on a flag without the seven rings. What do you guys think about this flag?

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The canton panel looks like it might be okay, but need close up photos to be sure. It looks a little more dirty or used than the rest of the flag. A Gefolgschaftsfahne should have hanging rings and a canton panel on both sides. It's an odd one, and I think the price of $675 reflects that. A good textbook regulation example would be priced much higher IMO. I can't personally make a determination based on the photos shown in this and the other thread. It does kind of make me wonder why the canton panel looks older or more used than the rest of the flag. The panel also looks like it sewn well inside the outer piping which kind of puts me off as well, but still can't say one way or the other from the photos.
Yep. The corner panel looks fine but the flag to which it is attached is non-standard.