HJ shirt or political shirt but with area triangle (Gebietsdreieck)??

Jul 1, 2009
Thanks Received
Mannheim Area
Hi fellow collectors
A lady brought me the attached shirt yesterday to my museum.She told me that it belonged to her farther and he was a Stammführer in Mannheim. Looking at the shirt I got the followi g question: the shirt lookes to me like a political shirt but with a collar i stead the button in collar .And it came with a Süd Baden triangle with was detached from the arm. The thread can still be seen but the shirt never had any shoulder boards!could that be?may he be wearing it under the tunic without boards? I have not seen this constellation before.
Any ideas appreciated☺

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Hi Dirk,

There was a shirt known as the Diensthemd which could be worn by leaders under the Dienstrock instead of the standard brown shirt (Braunhemd). Here's an excerpt from the relevant regulation:

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and another from the 1939 RZM price list showing items mentioned in the first pic:

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Now, I don't know whether the leader Diensthemd mentioned in the pics above is the item brought in by the lady but hopefully other members may be able to clear that up :thumb:


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