HJ Shoulder Boards fron the Fl.Techn.Vorschule


Jan 22, 2014
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I would like to show you my new epaulets. FL.Techn.Vorschule under the Bann 35. I have heard that these shoulder boards are very hard to find and I am very happy to have a pair in my collection.

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Scarce straps , personally , I think that these must have been manfactured by a local seamstress or tailor for students at the Schools that came from outside the Bann where the school was located , Fleiger HJ could have easily worn their own HJ fleiger straps if they came from the same Bann that the school was in . I could be wrong but it makes since .
The thought is actually good and I can imagine that too.
an other pair from the net

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Fits quite well here with Steve's, I think. A few internet finds - straps for Flieger-Technische Vorschule Kassel (83) and Dessau (93). What is obvious: they all have the numbers in crank embroidery (Kurbelstickerei), and it looks rather amateurish.

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Here is an example of another variant of the boards.

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Very nice, Steve. Here the question arises as to why the standard material variant of the HJ straps was not taken for the chaps from these schools. Even in the examples in Wim's book, not a single strap is according to regulations.
If you look closely, the strap with number 83 is exactly the example illustrated in Wim's book on p. 438. Everything turns up again at some point.
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That's right, it all shows up again. I also have a track or two from his book.
The FL.Technische Vorschule was subordinate to the Luftwaffe and therefore the other shoulder boards.