HJ Streifendienst stop sign "Halt Streifendienst" fake or genuine?

Oct 31, 2014
Thanks Received
Please help. Found this online and i can not authenticate it. Please give me your opinion on is it either genuine or a fake
Thanks all

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Hi Wim,

No, there is nothing in the regulations that specifically supports an item like this. As you will know, the HJ-Streifendienst did not have any judicial powers and its sphere of influence extended only to Hitler Youth members. I see no support in the regulations for the idea that SRD members could step out into general traffic with little signs like this and stop motorists and in any case, this was not within their remit.

The SRD had a responsibility to ensure the correct conduct of HJ members taking part in large rallies or the transit of large groups but I'm trying to imagine a scenario where a sign like this would have been required/permissible. Would the SRD have needed a sign to stop traffic/personnel during a rally or large tented camp where traffic was very light to non-existent and where they would be instantly recognisable as SRD members anyway? Nah. Also, the SRD regulations repeatedly mention that SRD members should take care to carry out their duties quietly, quickly and with a minimum of fuss in order to avoid any escalations.

Signs like the one in post #1 just don't make sense and in terms of the regulations there is no reason to believe that they are modern copies of a sign that existed during the period.
The HJ stop-sign appeared on the market simultaneously with some others.
They were altered with patina and with traces of use. They even had stamps
added. None of the stop signs ever was offfcially introduced, except the police

Known to me are:
HJ: HALT STREIFENDIENST in a red edge. In the middle was the HJ symbol;
Luftwaffe HALT FELDGENDARMERIE in a blue edge. In the middle was a black LW eagle;
Police: HALT POLIZEI in a red edge. In the middle was a green police symbol (I have
seen only two originals, all others were fake);
Army: HALT BAHNHOF-WACHE in a green edge. In the middle was a black army eagle.

It is known that for example army and LW Feldgendarmerie used a stop-sign, which was
the regular one with a white edge and red middle. Photos do proof this.
Hallo.And don't forget the NSKK.A friend own this "stop sign" (edit:eek:ups,I don't know if you're able to see the page)

Admin Edit: link removed as it leads to a page on the external site that is blocked for guests.
Which one for the NSKK. I can't see the page and do not want to sign in.
If possible, show an image of the stopping-sign.

I have not yet seen a fake NSKK-Verkehrserziehungsdienst. I did in-depth
research about this subject many years ago (about 1997 or so), as I was
planning to do an article for a German magazine. It is of course possible
fakes have been made by now!

The above mentioned stopping-signs were offered in 2000. I forgot to include:
SS: HALT LAGERWACHE with SS runes upon the white middle field. These fakes
already did cost between 230-280 euro.
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