HJ visor belonging to Bannführer Gerhard Hein

Sep 25, 2011
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Hi, would appreciate some comment on this HJ visor which I've had for about 15 years. The hat is named and some initial research indicates he joined the SS and was a recipient of the Knight's cross.

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I`m sorry , but I have a bad feeling about this one . It being named to a famous ex HJ and Knights Cross holder , has no bearing on the originality of this cap .
I am sorry but I have the same opinion.
The cordon and the piping seem to me too flashy.
Best regards
I don't have a good feeling for this hat too. Even though it appears privately made, there are details which I find not really convincing. His rank was also HJ Oberbannführer , not that makes a difference but I find strange that on the tag is mentioned his old rank and last position as Inspector in the HJ Wehrertüchtigungslager.
Thank you for your thoughts. Without having the benefit of having an item in one's hands there are obviously limitations on evaluating. Just some more info on the hat, the interior in all respects has not been altered. There is soiling on the woolen rim interior above the leather liner and also on that as well indicating honest and sustained wearing. The lining behind the insignia is still stitched to the top and base suggesting the insignia were there from the beginning. The underside of the visor has the cross hatching which is very nice to see, also the bottom of the visor peak is substantially worn from repeated placing down of the cap. The quality of the materials is really first rate and the brown capband is in velvet wiith a deep knap. The sliders in the chinstrap look to be of steel or zinc. The named owners insert at least had a german typewriter used with the dots above the u for example. I guess the purpose of relating all this is just that I can't find the smoking gun to establish it's veracity.
If the capband is brown velvet ...IT IS NOT Hitleryouth .
Just a couple of points on the label: Gerhard Hein's title was "Reichsinspekteur der Wehrertüchtigungslager der Hitlerjugend". He definitely held the rank of HJ-Oberbannführer as Zeller says but it would be useful to know whether he entered the HJ at that rank in 1942 on his appointment as Reichsinspekteur or whether he entered at Bannführer. Clearly that would be relevant to the visor label.

Hein can be seen here at around the 2:00 minute mark (HJ volunteers being inducted into the SS):

...Gerhard Hein's title was "Reichsinspekteur der Wehrertüchtigungslager der Hitlerjugend". He definitely held the rank of HJ-Oberbannführer as Zeller says but it would be useful to know whether he entered the HJ at that rank in 1942 on his appointment as Reichsinspekteur or whether he entered at Bannführer. Clearly that would be relevant to the visor label.

Yes, very relevant indeed. Perhaps the guy who showed the visor was just fishing for buyers. If the label doesn't have Hein's full title and if it can't be shown that he was a Bannführer first and if it can't be explained why he would have all of that detail on a hat label in the first place then you have to be thinking that the label is bogus. The fact that member Reichss never came back to comment isn't exactly positive either.

I don't know much about visors but if you forget the label is this likely to be a good one?