Nordsee Jungvolk 1934 - Unser Leuchtturm (Our Lighthouse) booklet


Apr 6, 2020
Thanks Received
Good morning all,

I recently purchased this beautiful little piece of DJ history. Titled "Our Lighthouse" produced by Nordlee Gebiet 7 it is only a small booklet only 12cm high x 9cm wide pocket size.
I try my hardest to translate from German to English, but I have asked my friend "Jack" on the forum if he could please translate for me and post the translation on the forum so all of us non German speakers can get a great insight into the contents of this booklet. I am especially looking forward to the translation of the hand written note inside the booklet.

Garry, a little piece of information for you inside the front cover is the names and ranks of the DJ commanders in 1934.

I am only a new member of this forum and very happy to be a "Blue member". I have been, as have a lot of other members of this forum have been absent recently. As we all know Garry has put a lot of work/hours/days/weeks into up grading this forum to be more modern, faster and easier for us to use.You will have noticed that the forum closed down the other day due to lack of use by members of the forum. No doubt we were all devastated that this had happened and are now very happy that the forum is up and running again.
Can I ask members of the forum who have been absent recently to "Please"start using the forum again, posting items, making comments and showing your collections etc, and showing your support . As this is without a doubt the all sing dancing fountain of knowledge of everything to do with the HJ/DJ/BDM/JM.

Please show your support to the forum again by using it. As we used to say in the Army "We Use it or We Lose it" and we do not want to lose it. These comments are all my own personal opinions. Thank you.

Best regards.....Ewan

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Many thanks for your kind words Ewan. It would indeed be nice to see more members posting and interacting with other members.

I really like the booklet and will add a link here as further evidence for Eismann being the Gebietsjungvolkführer of Gebiet 7 in 1934 :thumb:
Many thanks for your kind words Ewan. It would indeed be nice to see more members posting and interacting with other members.

I really like the booklet and will add a link here as further evidence for Eismann being the Gebietsjungvolkführer of Gebiet 7 in 1934 :thumb:
Hi Garry,

Good to hear from you. This DJ booklet must have been a great help to a pimpf joining the Gebiet back in 1934, it always amazes me how an item like this has survived. Looking forward to Jack's translation . Opened the link you sent, fantastic lists of the Gebiet leaders to do more research on.

Best regards........Ewan
Hi Ewan,

You've put it very nicely.

And I will take care of the translation shortly, I just got home. Pretty knackered at the moment.
So here is the foreword by the area leader Lühr Hogrefe, who would be worth a contribution in his own right, not only because of his extremely unusual first name. Rather, because he refused to follow Axmann and was replaced as Gebietsführer and expelled from the HJ.

"Wir leben unser Leben nicht mehr für uns;
wir leben für unsere Idee
und durch unsere Idee.

Wir leben für Volk und Vaterland!"

We no longer live our lives for ourselves;
we live for our idea
and through our idea.

We live for people and fatherland!

Lühr Hogrefe
Hi Ewan,

You've put it very nicely.

And I will take care of the translation shortly, I just got home. Pretty knackered at the moment.
So here is the foreword by the area leader Lühr Hogrefe, who would be worth a contribution in his own right, not only because of his extremely unusual first name. Rather, because he refused to follow Axmann and was replaced as Gebietsführer and expelled from the HJ.

"Wir leben unser Leben nicht mehr für uns;
wir leben für unsere Idee
und durch unsere Idee.

Wir leben für Volk und Vaterland!"

We no longer live our lives for ourselves;
we live for our idea
and through our idea.

We live for people and fatherland!

Lühr Hogrefe
Hi Jack,

Thank you for the translation of the foreword, a classic type of TR quotation all for the fatherland. I am going to find out about Luhr Hogrefe, he sounds like a interesting man.
Take you time with the other translation, no hurry.

Best regards....Ewan
Cool booklet Ewan , i like the picture with "Mamas liebling" , its funny
Very good acquisition, Ewan.
This is a good example of how you can find a very interesting piece without making a big investment and that it gives more life to other components of a collection. Many collectors would simply overlook it.

Sorry it took so long. But now it's finally weekend, and here is the translated preface.


Just as the lighthouse shows the skipper the right course in the dark of night, as it guides him with a bright beam past all the cliffs, past all the shoals, towards his goal, so these little books should show you the right path that leads to the national socialist man.
Not only the[HJ] leader is a helmsman to whom "Unser Leuchtturm/Our Lighthouse" shines. Every young man has his own little ship of life to steer. That is why this booklet is for all of you. It gives you the direction. You have only one thing to do, to give the order: "Full speed ahead!"
You are to become men, strong and courageous, loyal and true. You are to become comrades and not ask: "Is the man next to me wearing a schoolboy's cap?" (means: Is he above me as a grammar school pupil?) or "Is my leader the son of a worker?" (i.e. Does he come from a socially lower class?)
The heart is what counts, and the performance, my young comrades!
You German boy here in the Gebiet Nordsee/North Sea area, you wear the brown shirt. The Führer says it: you are his youngest comrade.
Remember that you are the scion of a proud race. Remember that this race of Niedersachsen/Lower Saxons and Friesen/Frisians is loyal.
Therefore, be a true son of our beautiful homeland and a sincere, brave fighter for our Führer.

Walter Eismann
Sorry it took so long. But now it's finally weekend, and here is the translated preface.


Just as the lighthouse shows the skipper the right course in the dark of night, as it guides him with a bright beam past all the cliffs, past all the shoals, towards his goal, so these little books should show you the right path that leads to the national socialist man.
Not only the[HJ] leader is a helmsman to whom "Unser Leuchtturm/Our Lighthouse" shines. Every young man has his own little ship of life to steer. That is why this booklet is for all of you. It gives you the direction. You have only one thing to do, to give the order: "Full speed ahead!"
You are to become men, strong and courageous, loyal and true. You are to become comrades and not ask: "Is the man next to me wearing a schoolboy's cap?" (means: Is he above me as a grammar school pupil?) or "Is my leader the son of a worker?" (i.e. Does he come from a socially lower class?)
The heart is what counts, and the performance, my young comrades!
You German boy here in the Gebiet Nordsee/North Sea area, you wear the brown shirt. The Führer says it: you are his youngest comrade.
Remember that you are the scion of a proud race. Remember that this race of Niedersachsen/Lower Saxons and Friesen/Frisians is loyal.
Therefore, be a true son of our beautiful homeland and a sincere, brave fighter for our Führer.

Walter Eismann
Hello Jack,

Many thanks for your translation skills once again. I know it is very time consuming for you. I like Walter's preface the right path, strong,courageous,brave fighter for the Leader.

Best regards....Ewan
Hi Ewan,

No problem. Here comes the rest from the other side.
Enjoy reading.
Under the song on the right it says: Lyrics and melody by Gebietsführer Altendorf.

You, our standard,

white sigrune on a black background,
were given to us in times of greatest need, when Germany lay oppressed on the ground, when a large part of German youth was facing ruin. We were ridiculed because you spoke of victory.
Yes, we replied, we, the youngest fighters behind the great Führer, will win. We are so daring and proud to set ourselves such a goal, all our strength should be devoted to this one thing. For us it is only: victory or downfall. Today the Führer has won, we have won. The entire German youth stands in our ranks. Today we look to the future with renewed hope. Now it is up to us to keep the victory, to build on the position we have won, and to dare the new attack from here.
So you say, sign of victory, today admonisher for all times:
Hitler Youth, fight on, win on!
With Adolf Hitler for Germany!
Hi Ewan,

No problem. Here comes the rest from the other side.
Enjoy reading.
Under the song on the right it says: Lyrics and melody by Gebietsführer Altendorf.

You, our standard,

white sigrune on a black background,
were given to us in times of greatest need, when Germany lay oppressed on the ground, when a large part of German youth was facing ruin. We were ridiculed because you spoke of victory.
Yes, we replied, we, the youngest fighters behind the great Führer, will win. We are so daring and proud to set ourselves such a goal, all our strength should be devoted to this one thing. For us it is only: victory or downfall. Today the Führer has won, we have won. The entire German youth stands in our ranks. Today we look to the future with renewed hope. Now it is up to us to keep the victory, to build on the position we have won, and to dare the new attack from here.
So you say, sign of victory, today admonisher for all times:
Hitler Youth, fight on, win on!
With Adolf Hitler for Germany!
Hi Jack,

Once again many thanks for your excellent translation. Another small piece of DJ history uncovered, fight on, win on.

Best regards....Ewan
I want to express my gratitude to Ewan and Jack for this thread.
Also my acknowledgement to Garry for his work on the forum and to all the members who take time to be online.

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