Paulmann & Crone

Sep 13, 2009
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Hi everyone,

I searched on the net a bit to find more about the Paulmann and Crone firm who made the HJ honour award under RZM license number M1/78.
Is it possible that this firm now made parts for the car industrie? Has ayone tried to contact the firm? However, most of the time they won't help you out.
Sometimes when you have luck you find a german article of a local press about history etc... But untill now I only find out the company was lead by T.O. Paulmann und E. Crone and after their dead? (both in 1937?) the company was taken over by Franz Paullman and Otto Paulman. The adresse was Mittelstrasse 6, Lüdenscheid. They also had 50 labor slaves at work during the TR- period.

Regards, Wim
@ Garry: Yep, I already found that website of the Sarnatech firm. Also that they had problems and could be closed? Don't know if that ever happened. I wonder about there relationship with maker M1/70 Franz Otto based in Wuppertal-Elberfeld. They use an identical reverse.

Hoffstätter, Paulmann & Crone and Wilhelm Deumer were typical important NSDAP manufacturers. Just like Deschler. I wonder how Franz Otto would fit into this. And also Adolf Baumeister M1/49 awards pops up from time to time. I hardly believe -if these two made orignals- they get the direct order. Maybe they were sub -contractors?

@ Ewan: Right, who knows what still is there. Problem is that most of these firms not want to share information. Like I said: there name is registered on Jewish data bases as firms who used labor slaves.
It's sad that all this great background info is still hide away. Some people I know, recently got insight into the archieves concerning Jos Fuess' role in the design of the party badge. After years of guess work alsmost everything is cleared out now.

Regards, Wim