Portrait - Luftwaffen Musikschule student


Jun 6, 2009
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The students at the Wehrmacht and SS musicschools were organized by HJ, as in other specialist schools.

Here's a portrait of a student at the Luftwaffen-Musikschule Sondershausen showing the schooluniform.


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Armbands and diamond armpatch

To examples of the armbands, and a diamond cloth patch that replaced the armbands during the war (eqivalent to the Fl. Techn. Vorschulen).

These are among the rarest cloth insignia used by the HJ.


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Another student :

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Very interesting insignia. Are there any photos of the shoulder strap for this group? I would really like to see one so I know what to look out for to add one to my collection.
Very interesting insignia. Are there any photos of the shoulder strap for this group? I would really like to see one so I know what to look out for to add one to my collection.

The school uniform was of the grey/blue Luftwaffe color. The uniform jacket had a plain strap on right shoulder.

When in HJ uniform, it is very certain that they were assigned to the local Sondershausen Flieger-HJ, with a Bann 400 strap with the light blue Flieger-HJ piping and Mitte Thüringen triagle. No known photos exists.

....and this forum just keeps on getting better and better .

Wow !
Hi Henrik,
great to see these photos again.
time that I also contribute little to the forum.

Best Jack.

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About the various music-schools I wrote an article for various magazines.
The article included also the Luftwaffen-Musikschule. Articles were published:
a) "Third Reich Music Schools for the Armed Forces 1939-1945" in the "Military Advisor", nr.3 from summer 2000, as well as nr. 4 from fall 2000;
b) "Die Musikschulen der Wehrmacht, 1939-1945" in "Militaria", nr. 4 from July/August 2001 and nr.5 from September/October 2001;
c) "Die Musikschulen der Wehrmacht, 1939-1945" as "Mit Klingendem Spiel, Militärmusik - einst und jetzt" in "Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Militärmusik e.V.", nr. 3 September 2002 and nr. 1 from March 2003.

In the first part from the "Military Advisor", so over thirteen years ago, the Militärmusikschule (1935-1939) was discussed with various photographs, the Original armband, the arm patch and a shoulder-strap; the Heeresmusikschule 1939-1945 was further discussed with many photographs, the Original armband and some shoulder straps. In the second part the Luftwaffenmusikschule (1938-1945) was discussed with the arm-patch, and drawings from the cuffband and
collar-patches (as these were at that moment not found in any collection. Also the diamond form patch was shown. As last the Marinemusikschule 1943-1945 was discussed as well as the Musikschule der Waffen-SS, 1941-1945.
The Marinemusikschule was not ever before covered anywhere!
For those interested the cover from the first part for the music-schools article in
the "Military Advisor" and a few pages from the schools, which were dealt with!

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Cover and Militärmusikschule

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Heeresmusikschule and Luftwaffenmusikschule

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Marinemusikschule, known as Orchesterschule. No photograph from this
school was known until the publishing of the article. German authors from
a book about music-schools, related to the army, had never heard from
tha naval school before.
The last image is from the Musikschule der Waffen-SS.

The article-sections do include a short history from each school, the worn
uniform and speciality insignia, as well as an explanation for the used
ranking/function system. When the article was first published in 2000 not
much was known about most of these schools!!


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Last edited:
Photoalbum from the Luftwaffenmusikschule / Luftwaffen-Musikschule in Sondershausen

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Henrik, I did read the small article about the meeting of the veteran's and just
saw my good old friend Ottomar Fabry also was mentioned and so still alive at
that moment.
He gave me information and photographs of some of his insignia, to show in the
article. I only used then the diamond-form. It was great to do the research for
the article, as in those days much information was quite new too me.
The well known James Last, bandleader from the James Last band was a member
from the Heeresmusikschule.
The section about the naval school was possible through a person who had lived
in Bad Homburg. He was able to make contact with an old friend, who had attended
the school. They had lost contact. After many, many years they were able to have
contact again. A friends reunion. From that person came the information and photos
from the Orchesterschule.
Is this a photo of a teacher at the Musikschule? Or what is it?
Besides the lyra on the collar I can only see the HJ membership pin.

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Definitely HJ ... look at his scarf and knot slide .

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As Joecool says, definitely HJ. Quite early as he is not wearing shoulder-straps.
Hardly visible, but he wears a cord upon left.
To compare here a 1932 photograph of SA musicians: lyra upon a patch (the other
side shows the number indication upon a patch). Further a brown tie. Within the
SA no cord was worn at that position!

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