Which are the Austrian Hitler Youth District triangles?

So, there must have been another system before 1933 for Austria?
Note that all had the black Siegrune!
Or do I get this wrong?

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The information about the Oberbanne and their numbers (see they
are numbered as 1, 2 and 3), taken from the earlier mentioned
"Aufbau, Gliederung und Anschriften der HJ" with the stand from
January 1, 1934:

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The information is taken from "Bekleidung und Ausrüstung der HJ"
with the stand from January 15, 1934.

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The information as taken from the well-known "Die Uniformen der HJ"
from 1933. There are only two patches with a black sigrune.

All three sources one should consider the "bibles" from that moment.


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What you show is price-list B. There is no date as far as I know.
Price-list A is from March 1933 in which the list B is being mentioned.
Would the Zeugmeisterei not have known what they sold? Maybe
they indeed had another system for a short while!! Price-list B
indeed mentions the patches white, blue and green and says
with black rune. I have seen once a blue patch with a black rune.
Maybe members from this forum do have any of the three mentioned

You mention it to be 1932. Where do you get this from?
Hello Wim,
I have also a pricelist B with the same cover as the green one from Zeugmeisterei Magdeburg and this is dated 1932, so I thought it is from the same year.

This is your information which you posted here on the forum about list B:
The pricelist is in Schilling and is from 1933, just before the June 1933 re-organization.
There is a pricelist A: for SA
and political leaders; C for all kinds of insignia (would like to
see this one); list D is for the SS
; F is for NSKK
and motor-units and G is for flags and


Mine is from August 1932, 100000 printed.

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here is a picture of the Preisliste "B""Bekleidung und Ausrüstung für Hitler-Jugend, Jungvolk..." from 1932 of the Zeugmeisterei in Vienna.
There are listet : white, blue and green "Armscheiben" with black Siegrune.


Very interesting. Thanks for posting it :thumb: We began to explore the matter of very early DJ rune patches back in 2009 in this thread so it's great to see a period source from 1932 which goes into more detail. 1932 was only one year after the Deutsches Jungvolk was incorporated into the Hitler Youth so as I say, great to see information from shortly after that. As I mention in that other thread, I have a reference showing that the DJ wore sleeve runes as early as 1930. I don't have a description of these but it is clear that the DJ rune predated the incorporation of the DJ into the Hitler Youth.
In an early uniform-booklet from about 1932/1933 it was noted that members
from the DJ did wear the Jungvolkabzeichen (round patch with rune) in the
Gau-colors (Gauspiegelfarben) as for the SA. But when one does check these
colors it does not correspond with the 1932 description from the leaflet from