Which sleeve triangle is this?


Sep 30, 2012
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Can't read this one. Does anyone know which triangle this is?

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I agree with Garry.
Since it is the first pattern, Südost is ruled out (apart from the fact that there is too little space for it).
That leaves only Süd, and with H only Hochland.

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I agree with Garry.
Since it is the first pattern, Südost is ruled out (apart from the fact that there is too little space for it).
That leaves only Süd, and with H only Hochland.

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Hello Jack,

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Thank you, Eric. You're embarrassing me. But like everyone here, I'm just trying to contribute a little to the vast knowledge of the forum. And that's fun.
It seems to be similar to this Hochland traingle I have attached for you, crack !

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