White rune inside a circle on Deutsches Jungvolk trumpet banner

Oct 17, 2022
Thanks Received
Hello all
Just a simple little photo today
A trumpet banner I have rarely come across.


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If a banner like this came up for sale I would have thought it was a fantasy item. Great pic thanks for showing
Hi Strumble69,

Do you have the "original" paper print, or is it a "copy" from the internet?
Is there a caption on the back, a date, a location?

The "Behang" of the fanfare speaks for itself, you have to assume, that not everyone at that time was able to use/know the usual color combinations.
In the early years of the movement, much was made in the families as a "handiwork".
There are the most unbelievable examples of this, which, photographically proven, should not be a topic here... ;)

The original photo should urgently be digitally retouched, if it is in your possession...

Just my two cents, like always...

Thank you for everyones comments,
Yes its an original photo that I own. I have added a scan of the back and the whole front. I have tried to restore it online, see improved photo.

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