
  1. O

    My son's M1/120 HJ Honour Badge - opinions please

    Hi guys all opinions welcome on this a recent acquisition by my 8 year old son.
  2. zacker

    HJ honour badge by Wilhelm Deumer RZM M1/120

    Hello to all in the collecting community. This one look to be original? comments always welcome from anyone. The pics resemble some used in the sticky on these badges, any red flags or something I missed? thanks for looking.
  3. J

    Vertically marked Deumer HJ honour badge - problem child

    Just found these images on a HD i hardly ever use, so no idea how old they are or where they came from. Seeing as we started keeping tracks on the numbers a while back, when i found these, it jumped out at me like a thing that would jump out at you, if if wanted. A jumping thing. Kangaroo or...
  4. W

    M1/120 HJ honour badge - original, fake ??

    hello, I have a problem with this Deumer. Will you help me in evaluating its orginality ? thank you.
  5. J

    M1/120 HJ honour badge with filed off number

    Only rarely see the silver fakes of these... the fake M1/120 Deumer with supposed filed off number.... and plate covering the code. In any case... make of it what you will, they are fake, and the gold counterparts are also fake. LINK
  6. Panther

    RZM M1/120 Deumer HJ Honour Badge (HJ-Ehrenzeichen)

    Hi Guys, Firstly, what a great essay on the HJ Honour Badge by Wim and Garry - really professional and brilliant information. Thank you Guys Comments on this one appreciated. It looks like a type 5 Deumer after looking at the article. My Best P
  7. wingman15

    M1/120 Deumer HJ honour badge (HJ-Ehrenzeichen) replacement for review

    hey lads any opinions on this badge much appretiated,possible purchase,only picture i have.thanks
  8. J

    M1/120 numbered replacment Ehrenzeichen

    Not seen everyday, a numbered B-stück by Deumer :biggrin1:
  9. Wim Vangossum

    The M1/120 Deumer HJ honour badge with horizontal maker mark

    Hi everyone, The last couple of days I was busy with studying my Deumer HJ Ehrenzeichens. And more important: comparing them with the controversial (fake?) horizontal maker marked Deumer. You probably know the badge with "M1/120" written above the pinplate and the RZM mark below the pin...
  10. S

    Painted HJ honour badge M1/120 in zinc

    hi all just found these on the warbooty site, now these are new to me and i would love to hear other opinions, strangely from never seeing one in the yrs i have collected warbooty currently have 3 on their site, they are your usual m1/120 HJ deumer honour badges but painted zinc????? could it...
  11. Garry

    LDO - Leistungsgemeinschaft deutscher Ordenshersteller

    Is this list complete chaps? LDO. Hersteller Präsidialkanzlei: 1 Deschler & Sohn, München 2 C.E. Juncker, Berlin 3 Wilhelm Deumer, Lüdenscheid 4 Steinhauer & Lück, Lüdenscheid 5 Hermann Wernstein, Jena-Lobstedt 6 Fritz Zimmermann, Stuttgart 7 Paul Meybauer, Berlin 8 Ferdinand Hoffstätter...
  12. Wim Vangossum

    Serial numbered Deumer

    Hi everyone, This one is reserved for me and will join my collection in januari 2011. It seems that destiny always bring Deumers to me??? :001_smile: Regards, Wim
  13. Wim Vangossum

    The vertical maker-marked Deumer HJ Honour badge

    Hi everyone, Here are some pictures for comparising purposes of the Deumer Golden HJ Honor Award with vertical maker mark. Note the dot pattern match with a "B" marked Deumer. However the arm of the swastika is slightly thinner and the RZM logo seems to have a crossbar? In the Weitze picture...
  14. Wim Vangossum

    The Deumer family of Hitler Youth honour badges (HJ-Ehrenzeichen)

    Hi everyone, After some search I think it is possible the following Golden HJ honor awards were made by the Deumer firm: 1. Serial numbered, M1/120, RZM with classical pin and pin plate. (example?) 2. "B"-marked M1/120, RZM with classical pin and pin plate. Example exist. 3. Erased serial...
  15. S

    HJ Ehrenzeichen set on weitze

    on weitze at the mo theres a set of an honor badge together with the doc, the surprising thing is the badge is the deumer with the marking m1/120 on the end of the badge this type of badge is questionable anyway and there is no issue number on the badge which to me makes no sense if there is a...
  16. H2OCO2

    List of RZM codes (RZM Herstellerliste)

    Source: M1/1 Kallenbach, Meyer & Franke ~ Luckenwalde M1/2 Richard Conrad ~ Weimar M1/3 Max Kremhelmer ~ München M1/4 Karl Gutenkunst ~ Oranienburg ( License withdrawn on 10.01.1935) M1/5 Walter Simon ~ Dresden...