The Hitler Youth Militaria and Research Forum

Uniforms Discuss uniforms worn by the Hitler Youth, the Deutsches Jungvolk, Bund Deutscher Mädel and the Jungmädel


Discuss all forms and types of headwear worn by the Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel. Visors, summer caps, swimming caps, side caps etc

Belts and Buckles

Discuss the belts and buckles worn by the Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel and the Deutsches Jungvolk

All other HJ DJ BDM and JM clothing items

Discuss shirts, jackets, Kletterjacke, tunics, shoes, skirts - indeed any clothing item not covered elsewhere within the Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel uniform section

Fakes database - uniform items.

Repository for fake items of Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel uniforms, footwear, visors, caps, sidecaps and other headgear.

Fake buckles

Repository for fake Hitler Youth, Deutsches Jungvolk and Bund deutscher Mädel Buckles.


Cloth Insignia Discuss the cloth insignia of all sections of the Hitler Youth

Area / District triangles - Gebietsdreiecke

The area or district triangle (german: Gebietsdreieck) was an important organisational identifier worn on the uniforms of the Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel and you can discuss this insignia here.

Shoulderstraps and boards

A large variety of shoulder straps and shoulderboards were worn by the Hitler Youth and Deutsches Jungvolk and these can be discussed here.

Specialist patches and insignia

The specialists in the Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel wore a large variety of insignia denoting their particular skills and appointments and these can be discussed here.

DJ rune patches and DJ leader rune patches

From the patches worn by the youngest boys in the Deutsches Jungvolk right up to those worn by the DJ higher leaders - all can be discussed here


The cufftitles worn by the Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel denoted a particular skill or affiliation and these items can be discussed here.

Leaders' lanyards

From Kameradschaftsführer to Stabsführer the lanyards were used to denote rank and/or appointment in the Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel .


Discuss armbands worn by the Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel.

All other cloth insignia

This is the forum for Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel cloth insignia which doesn't fit into one of the other categories. Rank patches, achievement badge cloth patches, large and small cloth diamonds etc

Fakes database - cloth insignia

Repository for fake items of Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel cloth insignia.


Metal Insignia

Membership badges

Covers the evolution of the Hitler Youth membership badge from the first pattern HJ Arbeiterjugend badge and DJV badge for the Deutsches Jungvolk up to the late-war painted zinc HJ membership badge.

Achievement badges (also known as proficiency badg

The initial series of achievement badges were introduced in 1934 and included the HJ achievement badge in Eisen (black), bronze and silver with bronze and silver levels being introduced in the same year for the Bund deutscher Mädel. The Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel achievement badges were introduced in 1935 and 1938 respectively and all can be discussed here.

Sports badges including the HJ Golden Leader badge

Whether it's the Reichsjugendsportabzeichen, a badge from the Reichsjugendwettkämpfe or indeed any other badge presented for sporting achievement it can be discussed here along with the respective competitions.

Tinnies/Day badges

There was a huge number and variety of these badges (german: Tagungsabzeichen) produced during the period commemorating events and rallies held by the Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel. Show and discuss your badges here.

HJ Honour badges

Discuss the HJ-Ehrenzeichen, Goldenes Ehrenzeichen der HJ and other honour badges here

Shooting badges

Both the Hitler Youth and the Deutsches Jungvolk had shooting proficiency badges in various classes ranging from the basic HJ and DJ shooting badges right up to the HJ Scharfschütze (sharpshooter)and HJ Meisterschütze (master shot) badge. The different badges and the procedures involved in achieving them are discussed here

Reichsberufswettkampf badges

Discussion of the Reich trades competition held between 1934 and 1939 and the Kriegsberufswettkampf of 1943/44. Discuss the various winners' badges Kreissieger, Gausieger and Reichssieger and the competition itself.

Fakes database - metal insignia

Repository for fake Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel metal and enamel badges, tinnies, medals and insignia.


Pistols, Rifles, Knives and daggers Führerdolch, Ehrendolch, NPEA daggers, air rifles, .22 rifles and pistols

Pistols and Rifles

Discuss pistols, .22 and air rifles used by the Hitler Youth and Deutsches Jungvolk

Hitler Youth knife and dagger

The Hitler Youth knife (HJ/DJ Fahrtenmesser der Hitlerjugend) was worn by the members of the Hitler Youth and the Deutsches Jungvolk. It went through various design changes over the years including the removal in 1938 of the motto 'Blut und Ehre'. Also discussed are the HJ Honour dagger (Ehrendolch) and NPEA daggers.

Fakes database - knives and daggers

Show and discuss Hitler Youth and Deutsches Jungvolk fake knives and daggers.

Blue Group section

Paper items

Paper documents

Mitgliedsausweis, K-Schein, Urkunde, Dienstkarte, Gesundheitspass, Versicherungskarte, promotion documents, Lagerausweis, sports certificates, Abnahmeberechtigung, Grundschein, Lehrschein, Sportausweis, Schiessbuch, Besitzzeugnis.. I could go on all day as there was so much paperwork but you get the idea.

Postage stamps and postcards

This is the forum for postcards and stamps related to the Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel.

Books and resources

Discuss modern and period reference resources related to the HJ

Fakes database - paper items

Repository for fake items of Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel paperwork, postcards, postage stamps, books and pamphlets.


Equipment All Hitler Youth equipment used for both indoor and outdoor activities including musical instruments

Fieldgear and general equipment

Discuss Tents, Zeltbahn, torches, compasses, Feldscher equipment, marching equipment, tornister, water bottles, breadbags, musical instruments - indeed all equipment used by the formations of the Hitler Youth.

Fakes database - equipment

Repository for fake items of the equipment used by the Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel during hiking, camping, marching and training.

Blue Group section

Flags, pennants and banners Show and discuss HJ, DJ, BDM and JM flags and pennants. This is also the correct forum for metal signs.

Flags, pennants and banners

From Gefolgschaft to Bann, from Mädelgruppe to Untergau and from Fähnlein to Jungbann, discuss the flags and pennants used by the various formations of the Hitler Youth here

Fakes database - flags and pennants

Show and discuss Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel fake flags, pennants/Wimpel, drapes, trumpet/fanfare banners etc.


Education and Training AHS, NPEA, RFS etc

Hitler Youth Schools and Academies

Adolf Hitler schools, NPEA, NAPOBI, Lehrbildungsanstalt, Fliegertechnische-Vorschule etc

Research Resources History and roots of the HJ movement. Pre-HJ youth organisations, organisational structure of the HJ etc.

Bannführer, Untergauführerin etc 1933-45

A project aiming to list all male and female commanding officers at Bann, Untergau etc level 1933-45. Use this list, for example, to find the name/rank of the Bannführer in charge of Bann 123 in 1937

The Reichszeugmeisterei RZM

Discuss the RZM and related items - codes. labels etc


This section contains English translations of period Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel publications and books.

Blue Group section

General discussion

Discussions which don't fit into one of the other categories in this section

Specialist organisations

Discuss the specialist HJ formations: Landdienst, Flieger-HJ, Marine-HJ, Motor-HJ, Nachrichten-HJ, Reiter-HJ, Pionier-HJ, HJ-Streifendienst, HJ-Spieleinheit, HJ-Rundfunkspielschar, HJ-Gesundheitsdienst, BDM-Werk Glaube und Schönheit, Feldscher, Unfalldienst etc.

Foreign Youth Organisations

Discuss foreign fascist youth organisations which existed outside the Reich: Vlaamsche Jeugd, Deutsche Jugend, Nationale Jeugdstorm etc.


Discuss the part played by the HJ in the war effort, special formations, 12SS Panzerdivision, Wehrertüchtigung etc.

Pre HJ youth organisations

Discuss the German youth movements which pre-dated the HJ and which were later incorporated or simply dissolved. Discuss German youth organisations which co-existed with the HJ. Discuss youth groups opposed to the Hitler Youth.

Post-war youth organisations

Discuss post-war youth organisations in Germany such as Freie Deutsche Jugend, Wandervogel etc

Bann number lists - Area triangle lists

The most comprehensive and up to date Bann lists that you will find anywhere. Complete lists of Bann numbers for most years between 1933 to 1942 (plus many post-1942 previously unknown Bann numbers) with their locations and the parent HJ Gebiet. Want to know which sleeve triangle/Gebietsdreieck goes with your HJ and DJ shoulder straps or indeed the other way around: which Bann or Jungbann numbers go with which triangle? Useful for checking BDM Untergau and JM Untergau numbers/locations too.

Lower level unit identification

The purpose of this forum is to combine our resources to compile a list of the Hitlerjugend, Bund Deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel units below the Bann, BDM-Untergau, Jungbann and JM-Untergau level. These lists contain HJ Gefolgschaft, BDM and JM Mädelgruppe, DJ Fähnlein. Streifendienst, Flieger-HJ, Marine-HJ units etc


For first person accounts and discussion with and about veterans of the Hitler Youth, Bund deutscher Mädel, Deutsches Jungvolk and Jungmädel.

Organisations within the NSDAP This forum is for the general discussion of the organisations which formed the NSDAP.

My Collection Discuss and show your collection of HJ or indeed non-HJ items


Show your militaria collection here.

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