
  1. Dorn

    BDM gesundheitsdienstbeutel

    Hallo kameraden,today i've received my gesundheitsdienstbeutel. unfortunatly,there's just a little part of the original content.there are twelve slots to put the gear in The colour is grey/kaki There is no mark,tag. This item is in medium condition and well-used to compare,an...
  2. Dorn

    Der Gesundheitsdienst des BDM in der HJ

    Hallo kameraden! I've just received this little book "der gesundheitsdienst des BDM in der HJ" This book was edited on May 1941 by der Reichjugendführung Inside you can see many anatomical pictures and how to help injured people.Also pictures presenting the content of a "verbandkasten"...
  3. lauri

    Various photos of my Hitler Youth collection

    Hello I post here some photos of my collection. Gesundheitsdienst Beutel HJ Zeltbahn DJ Bluse JM Bluse Black Breeches Hose for HJ and DJ leaders :france
  4. L

    Listing of Hitler Youth training manuals (Ausbildungsvorschriften) as at 1.1.1940

    This list is complete to my knowledge but any required additions will follow :yo: Ausbildungsvorschriften ( Av. ) as at 1.1.1940...
  5. L

    Book: Der Gesundheitsdienst des Bundes deutscher Mädel in der HJ 1941

    ... Ausbildungsvorschrift von 1941 180 Seiten zum Thema Gesundheit / Körperpflege / Zahnpflege / Ernährung u.s.w mfg
  6. u869ss

    Jungmädel Gesundheitsdienst medical case and contents

    Jungmädel Gesundheitsdienst medical case enjoy garry steve
  7. Garry

    Jungmädel Gesundheitsdienstbeutel

    Does anyone have one of these Gesundheitsdienst medical/first aid cases or colour pics of one? I don't know exactly when it was introduced but in the March 1939 issue of 'Das deutsche Mädel' it sounds as if the introduction was recent at that point.
  8. A

    Feldscher / Gesundheitsdienst / Unfalldienst Ausweise

    HJ Feldscher